prof. dr Borut Bosančić
vanredni profesor
Nastavnik - II-4
Poljoprivredni fakultet
Katedre |
Uža naučna/umjetnička oblast | Zvanje | Datum izbora u zvanje |
Biometrika | vanredni profesor | May 31, 2024 |
Tehnološki fakultet
Akademske studije prvog ciklusa |
Poljoprivredni fakultet
Akademske studije drugog ciklusa | Akademske studije prvog ciklusa | Akademske studije trećeg ciklusa |
Radovi u časopisima
DOI | DOI:10.26471/cjees/2025/020/321 |
Časopis | Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Godina | 2025 |
Autori | Tanja Maksimović, Dijana Mihajlović, Mile Cvijetinović, Biljana Lubarda, Borut Bosančić, and Dino Hasanagić |
Volumen | 20 |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | 149 |
Strana do | 160 |
Veb adresa | https://www.cjees.ro/viewTopic.php?topicId=1055 |
Two-tiered serology in patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis
Časopis | Biomedicinska istraživanja - Časopis Medicinskog fakulteta Foča |
Godina | 2024 |
Autori | Tatjana Roganović, Miloš Korać, Borut Bosančić, Višnja Mrđen, Ljiljana Božić, and Andjela Bojanić |
Assessment of The Potentially Toxic Elements Contamination and Their Uptake by Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in Soils in the Northern Part of Bosnia and Herzegovina
DOI | 10.26471/cjees/2024/019 |
Časopis | Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Godina | 2024 |
Autori | Dijana Mihajlović, Jovana Žunić, Nataša Čereković, Zlatan Kovačević, Biljana Kelečević, and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 19 |
Broj | 8 |
Strana od | 25 |
Strana do | 32 |
Veb adresa | file:///C:/Users/Zlatan/Downloads/Mihajlovic.pdf |
Significance of the apiary location for the content of copper and zinc in the bee pollen
DOI | 10.7251/AGREN2401001M |
Časopis | Agro-knowledge Journal |
Godina | 2024 |
Autori | Goran Mirjanić, Dijana Mihajlović, and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 25 |
Evaluation of the qualitative characteristics of grapes and wineof the indigenous variety of Radovaca
DOI | https://doi.org/10.52846/aamc.v53i1.1451 |
Časopis | Analele Universităţii din Craiova, seria Agricultură |
Godina | 2023 |
Autori | Tatjana Jovanović-Cvetković, Rada Grbić, Borut Bosančić, Marina Antić, and Gordana Đurić |
Volumen | 53/1/2023 |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | 163 |
Strana do | 173 |
Veb adresa | https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1451 |
Morphological characteristics and antioxidant properties of Allium ursinum L. wild growing in the northwestern part of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
DOI | https://doi.org/10.5073/JABFQ.2023.096.006 |
Časopis | Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality |
Godina | 2023 |
Autori | Vida Todorović, Nikolina Đekić, Marina Antić, Borut Bosančić, Jelena Davidović, and Senad Murtić |
Volumen | 96 |
Strana od | 48 |
Strana do | 54 |
Veb adresa | https://ojs.openagrar.de/index.php/JABFQ/article/view/17005 |
Evaluation of different hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) progenies resulting from crosses with focus on oil content and seed yield
DOI | 10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.116893 |
Godina | 2023 |
Autori | Marijeta Erzen, Barbara Ceh, Zala Kolenc, Borut Bosančić, and Andreja Cernak |
Importance of four-dimensional computed tomography simulation in locally advanced lung cancer radiotherapy: Impact on reducing planning target volume
DOI | https://doi.org/10.2298/VSP210520096M |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Slavica Marić, Petar Janjić, Borut Bosančić, Milan Mijalović, and Snježana Lukić |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 23 |
Genetic diversity of pear germplasm in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as revealed by SSR markers
DOI | 10.13080/z-a.2021.108.010 |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Mirela Kajkut Zeljković, Borut Bosančić, Gordana Đurić, Henryk Flachowsky, and Larisa Garkava-Gustavsson |
Volumen | 108 |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | 71 |
Strana do | 78 |
Veb adresa | http://www.zemdirbyste-agriculture.lt/1081-str-10/ |
Wild fruit trees in the Forest Park of Starčevica, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1308.3 |
Časopis | Acta Hort., ISHS |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Marina Antić, Gordana Đurić, and Borut Bosančić |
Broj | 1308 |
Strana od | 13 |
Strana do | 17 |
Virulence of entomopathogenic nematodes to three soft scale insect species
DOI | DOI: 10.19263/REDIA-104.21.22 |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Nikola Grujić, Draga Graora, Branimir Nježić, Borut Bosančić, and Eustachio Tarasco |
Broj | 104 |
Strana od | 193 |
Strana do | 197 |
Veb adresa | https://www.redia.it/home-page |
Meta-analysis of hail netting effect on fruit firmness in 'Fuji' apple.
DOI | 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1308.35 |
Časopis | Acta Hort., ISHS |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Borut Bosančić, Marija Pecina, and Nikola Mićić |
Volumen | 1308 |
Strana od | 249 |
Strana do | 257 |
Influence of shading effect on specific leaf weight of ‘Fuji’ and ‘Gala’ apples – meta-analysis
DOI | 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1308.37 |
Časopis | Acta Horticulturae |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Borut Bosančić, Marija Pecina, and Nikola Mićić |
Volumen | 1308 |
Strana od | 265 |
Strana do | 270 |
Comparative study of toxic heavy metal residues and other properties of honey from different environmental production systems
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-09882-y |
Godina | 2020 |
Autori | Borut Bosančić, Mirjana Žabić, Dijana Mihajlović, Jelica Samardžić, and Goran Mirjanić |
Volumen | 27 |
Broj | Oktobar 2020 |
Biostimulants’ influence on tomato fruit characteristics at conventional and low-input NPK regime
DOI | 10.1080/09064710.2019.1711156 |
Godina | 2020 |
Autori | Izudin Klokić, Ivana Koleška, Dino Hasanagić, Murtić Senad, Borut Bosančić, and Vida Todorović |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 8 |
Veb adresa | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09064710.2019.1711156 |
Precision cane meristem management can influence productivity and fruit quality of floricane red raspberry cultivars
DOI | 10.3906/tar-1807-15 |
Godina | 2019 |
Autori | Aleksandar Životić, Nikola Mićić, Mirjana Žabić, Borut Bosančić, and Miljan Cvetković |
Volumen | 43 |
Strana od | 405 |
Strana do | 413 |
Veb adresa | https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/agriculture/issues/tar-19-43-4/tar-43-4-3-1807-15.pdf |
Influence of Grafting on the Copper Concentration in Tomato Fruits under Elevated Soil Salinity.
DOI | DOI 10.7251/AGREN1901037K |
Časopis | Agro-knowledge Journal |
Godina | 2019 |
Autori | Ivana Koleška, Dino Hasanagić, Rodoljub Oljača, Senad Murtić, Borut Bosančić, and Vida Todorović |
Volumen | 20 |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | 37 |
Strana do | 44 |
Veb adresa | http://doisrpska.nub.rs/index.php/agroznanje/article/view/6185/6051 |
The Effect of Grafting on Calcium Influx in Tomato Fruits under Salt Stress Conditions.
DOI | DOI 10.7251/AGREN1902065K |
Časopis | Agro-knowledge Journal |
Godina | 2019 |
Autori | Ivana Koleška, Dino Hasanagić, Rodoljub Oljača, Vida Todorović, Borut Bosančić, and Senad Murtić |
Volumen | 20 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 65 |
Strana do | 74 |
Veb adresa | http://doisrpska.nub.rs/index.php/agroznanje/article/view/6354/6225 |
Seed Characteristics of Wild Pear Genotypes from the in situ Population of the Banja Luka Region
DOI | 10.7251/AGREN1904207Z |
Časopis | Agro-knowledge Journal |
Godina | 2019 |
Autori | Nada Zavišić, Jelena Davidović Gidas, and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 20 |
Broj | 4 |
Strana od | 207 |
Strana do | 217 |
Veb adresa | https://doi.org/10.7251/AGREN1904207Z |
Cropping potential and fruit characteristics of ‘Polka’ and ‘Heritage’ primocane raspberry cultivars grown in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina
Časopis | Voćarstvo |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Aleksandar Životić, Jelisaveta Cvijanović, Mirjana Žabić, Borut Bosančić, and Miljan Cvetković |
Volumen | 52 |
Broj | 202 |
Strana od | 77 |
Strana do | 85 |
Veb adresa | https://www.institut-cacak.org/cvarkov/pdf/vocarstvo/Vo%C4%87arstvo_52_202.pdf |
A main effects meta principal components analysis of netting effects on fruit: using apple as a model crop
DOI | 10.1007/s10725-018-0443-z |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Borut Bosančić, Nikola Mićić, M. Blanke, and M. Pecina |
Strana od | 455 |
Strana do | 464 |
Analysis of attitudes of hony consumers in the municipality of Novi Grad (Bosnia and Hercegovina)
DOI | 10.17707/AgricultForest.63.2.06 |
Časopis | Agriculture & Forestry |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Dejan Kličković, Aleksandar Ostojić, Željko Vaško, and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 63 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 69 |
Strana do | 81 |
Characterization of Old Apple Cultivars from Bosnia and Herzegovina by Means of Pomological and Biochemical Analysis
DOI | 10.15835/nbha45110537 |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Sanda Stanivuković, Milan Žujić, Mirjana Žabić, Nikola Mićić, Borut Bosančić, and Gordana Đurić |
Volumen | 45 |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | 97 |
Strana do | 104 |
Veb adresa | http://www.notulaebotanicae.ro/index.php/nbha/article/view/10537 |
The role of antioxidative metabolism of tomato leaves in long-term salt-stress response
DOI | 10.1002/jpln.201600439 |
Časopis | Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Ivana Koleška, Dino Hasanagić, Ivana Maksimović, Borut Bosančić, and Biljana Kukavica |
Volumen | 180 |
Broj | I |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 8 |
Veb adresa | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jpln.201600439/abstract |
Leader management techniques to induce vegetative bud development in plum
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1175.9 |
Časopis | Acta Hort., ISHS |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Miljan Cvetković, Nikola Mićić, Gordana Đurić, and Borut Bosančić |
Broj | 1175 |
Strana od | 41 |
Strana do | 48 |
Veb adresa | https://www.actahort.org/books/1175/1175_9.htm |
Pomological Identification of Hazel Cultivars (Corylus avellana L.) in Plantations in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Časopis | Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Predrag Ilić, Nikola Mićić, Gordana Đurić, Stanislav Tojnko, Anita Solar, and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 82 |
Broj | 4 |
Strana od | 389 |
Strana do | 394 |
Veb adresa | https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=285555 |
Biological Characteristics of Some Plum Cultivars Grown in Montenegro
DOI | 10.24326/asphc.2017.2.0 |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Đ. Božović, Borut Bosančić, A. Velimirović, S. Ercisli, B. Jaćimović, and H. Keles |
Strana od | 35 |
Strana do | 40 |
Morphological and Pomological Characteristics of Wild Pears in the Northwestern Part of Bosnia and Herzegovina
DOI | 10.7251/AGREN1704249Z |
Časopis | AGROZNANJE |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Nada Zavišić, Gordana Đurić, and Borut Bosančić |
Strana od | 249 |
Strana do | 262 |
Effect of heading date on the morphological characteristics of one-yearold shoots of pear (Pyrus communis L.)
Časopis | Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Miljan Cvetković and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 81 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 77 |
Strana do | 79 |
Veb adresa | http://www.agr.unizg.hr/smotra/acs81_2/index_c.htm |
Genetic Diversity of Wild Apples and Pears in the Forest Park of Starčevica, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Časopis | Ag Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificusriculturae Conspectus Scientificus |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Marina Antić, Gordana Đurić, Mirela Kajkut, and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 81 |
Broj | 4 |
Strana od | 205 |
Strana do | 211 |
Veb adresa | http://hrcak.srce.hr/179443 |
Effects of Salinity on Color Changes, Sugar and Acid Concentration in Tomato Fruit
Časopis | Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Boris Pašalić, Vida Todorović, Ivana Koleška, Borut Bosančić, and Nikolina Đekić |
Volumen | 81 |
Broj | 3 |
Strana od | 137 |
Strana do | 142 |
Veb adresa | http://acs.agr.hr/acs/index.php/acs/article/view/1155 |
Biochemical and pomological assessment of European pear accessions from Bosnia and Herzegovina
DOI | 10.17221/53/2015-HORTSCI |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Gordana Đurić, Mirjana Žabić, Marina Rodić, Sanda Stanivuković, Borut Bosančić, and Boris Pašalić |
Volumen | 42 |
Broj | 4 |
Strana od | 176 |
Strana do | 184 |
Veb adresa | https://hortsci.agriculturejournals.cz/artkey/hor-201504-0003_biochemical-and-pomological-assessment-of-european-pear-accessions-from-bosnia-and-herzegovina.php |
Pathophysiology, Clinical Manifestation and Management of Angioedema – Our Experience
DOI | 10.2298/SARH1510545A |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Aleksandra Aleksić, Mirjana Bogić, Vesna Tomić-Spirić, Aleksandra Perić-Popadić, Dalibor Vranješ, and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 9-10 |
Strana od | 545 |
Strana do | 550 |
Stavovi potrošača o konzumaciji piva na području Grada Banja Luka
Časopis | Agroekonomika |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Đorđe Jović, Aleksandar Ostojić, and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 44 |
Broj | 66 |
Strana od | 149 |
Strana do | 157 |
Some Fruit Characteristics of Selected Cornelian Cherries (Cornus mas L.) from Montenegro
DOI | 10.1007/s10341-015-0238-6 |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Vučeta Jaćimović, Đina Božović, Sezai Ercizli, Vladislav Ognjanov, and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 57 |
Strana od | 119 |
Strana do | 124 |
Cilj istraživanja i logičko-matematička argumentacija rezultata biometričkih analiza.
Časopis | Radovi Poljoprivrednoprehrambenog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu |
Godina | 2014 |
Autori | Nikola Mićić, Mirsad Kurtović, Zrinka Knezović, and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | LIX |
Broj | 64/2 |
Strana od | 151 |
Strana do | 160 |
Optimalna koncentracija i uslovi tretiranja jagode 1-metilciklopropenom radi produženja vremena skladištenja
DOI | 10.7251/AGRSR1404351Ž |
Časopis | AGROZNANJE |
Godina | 2014 |
Autori | Mirjana Žabić, Boris Pašalić, and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 15 |
Broj | 4 |
Strana od | 351 |
Strana do | 362 |
Veb adresa | https://cms.bitlab.host/api/data/83/documents/602/Agroznanje_4.pdf |
Cilj istraživanja i logičko-matematička argumentacija rezultata biometričkih analiza
Časopis | Radovi Poljoprivrednoprehrambenog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu |
Godina | 2014 |
Autori | Nikola Mićić, Mirsad Kurtović, Zrinka Knezović, and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 64 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 151 |
Strana do | 160 |
Veb adresa | http://www.ppf.unsa.ba/CasopisPPF.html |
Zamke deskriptivnog i inferencijalnog statističkog pristupa u biološkim i poljoprivrednim naukama
DOI | 10.7251/AGRSR1304617M |
Časopis | AGROZNANJE |
Godina | 2013 |
Autori | Nikola Mićić and Borut Bosančić |
Strana od | 617 |
Strana do | 630 |
Production of bioenergy in the Posavina region
DOI | 10.7251/AGREN1204653V |
Časopis | AGROZNANJE |
Godina | 2012 |
Autori | Veljko Vorkapić, Ana Kojaković, Gordana Đurić, Stoja Jotanović, Danijela Kondić, Borut Bosančić, and Duška Šaša |
Volumen | 13 |
Broj | 4 |
Strana od | 653 |
Strana do | 666 |
Veb adresa | http://doisrpska.nub.rs/index.php/agroznanje/article/view/667/612 |
Varijabilitet i koeficijenti varijacije u biološkim i poljoprivrednim istraživanjima
DOI | 10.7251/AGRSR1203331M |
Časopis | AGROZNANJE |
Godina | 2012 |
Autori | Nikola Mićić and Borut Bosančić |
Volumen | 13 |
Broj | 3 |
Strana od | 331 |
Strana do | 341 |
Veb adresa | http://agro.unibl.org/agro%D1%95nanje-naucni-casopis/ |
Radovi sa skupova
Total phenolic content in fruits of pepper accessions from the Gene Bank of the Republic of Srpska
Godina | 2024 |
Autori | Sonja Umićević, David Ducanović, Stefani Tepić, Zlatan Ristić, Biljana Lolić, Borut Bosančić, and Marina Antić |
Strana od | 84 |
Strana do | 84 |
Content of calcium and magnesium in pollen from the area of Eastern Bosnia
Naučni skup | 59th Croatian & 19th International Symposium on Agriculture |
Publikacija | 59th Croatian & 19th International Symposium on Agriculture eProceedings.Full text |
Godina | 2024 |
Autori | Goran Mirjanić, Borut Bosančić, and Dijana Mihajlović |
Strana od | 251 |
Strana do | 255 |
Veb adresa | file:///C:/Users/Goran%20Mirjanic/Downloads/Zbornik%20radova%202024.pdf |
Fruit characteristics of pepper accessions (Capsicum annuum L.) from the Gene Bank of the Republic of Srpska
Naučni skup | Book of Abstracts, 12th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2023" |
Godina | 2023 |
Autori | Sonja Umićević, David Ducanović, Borut Bosančić, and Marina Antić |
Strana od | 186 |
Positive effect of gibberellic acid treatment on fruit colour in two cherry varieties "New Star" and "Bing"
Naučni skup | Book of Abstracts, 12th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2023" |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts, 12th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2023" |
Godina | 2023 |
Autori | Boris Pašalić, Zlatan Ristić, Marina Antić, Predrag Ilić, Sonja Rašeta, David Ducanović, and Borut Bosančić |
Strana od | 138 |
Vascular flora of medieval fortresses of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Naučni skup | 32nd Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry |
DOI | doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-47467-5_9 |
Godina | 2023 |
Autori | Nermina Sarajlić, Semir Maslo, Biljana Lubarda, Nejc Jogan, Šemso Šarić, Borut Bosančić, and Vladimir Ranđelović |
Morpho-physiological characteristics of rasmson (Allium ursinum L.)
Naučni skup | AgroRes 2022 |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts AgroReS 2022 |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Vida Todorović, Senad Murtić, Nikolina Đekić, Marina Antić, and Borut Bosančić |
Strana od | 141 |
Strana do | 141 |
Influence of shading net on chlorophyll content, relative water content and weight of lettuce
Naučni skup | AgroRes 2022 |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts AgroReS 2022 |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Nikolina Đekić, Vida Todorović, Đorđe Moravčević, Borut Bosančić, and Jelena Sladoje |
Strana od | 147 |
Strana do | 147 |
Health and safety risk analysis of Platanus x acerifolia (Aiton) Willd. by the method of acoustic tomography
Naučni skup | AgroReS 2022 |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts – XI International Symposium of Agricultural Sciences AgroReS 2022, 26-28 May, 2022, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Rodoljub Oljača, Sunčica Bodružić, Nikola Travar, Borut Bosančić, Jelena Davidović Gidas, and Nataša Pašalić |
Strana od | 155 |
Produktivnost paradajza u uslovima redukovane ishrane uz primjenu biostimulatora
Naučni skup | 56. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije, 2. Savetovanje agronoma Srbije i Republike Srpske |
Publikacija | Zbornik referata 56. Savetovanja agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije i 2. Savetovanja agronoma Srbije i Republike Srpske |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Vida Todorović, Izudin Klokić, Nikolina Đekić, Borut Bosančić, and Đorđe Moravčević |
Strana od | 174 |
Strana do | 183 |
Influence of shading net on chlorophyll content, relative water content and weight of lettuce
Naučni skup | AgroRes 2022 |
Publikacija | Book of Proceedings AgroReS 2022 |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Nikolina Đekić, Vida Todorović, Đorđe Moravčević, Borut Bosančić, and Jelena Sladoje |
Strana od | 81 |
Strana do | 88 |
Agro-morphological characterization of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) accessions from Gene Bank of Republic of Srpska
Naučni skup | Book of Abstracts, 11th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2022" |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Sonja Rašeta, David Ducanović, Đorđe Umićević, Borut Bosančić, and Marina Antić |
Strana od | 136 |
Morphological variations of seed characteristics in studied populations of Yellow gentian in the area of Kupres Heights
Naučni skup | Book of Abstracts, 10th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2021" |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Borut Bosančić, Ljubica Vavan, Sonja Rašeta, Marina Antić, Petar Nikolić, and Branimir NJežić |
Strana od | 82 |
Biometrical approach in methodology of seed germination analysis in horticultural sciences modelled on Gentiana lutea L.
Naučni skup | BIOSTAT 2021, 25th International Scientific Symposium on Biometrics |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Borut Bosančić and Ljubica Vavan |
Morpho-pomological characteristics of BIH pear germplasm
Naučni skup | 55 Croatian and 15 International Symposium on Agriculture |
Godina | 2020 |
Autori | Mirela Kajkut Zeljković, Borut Bosančić, and Gordana Đurić |
Strana od | 269 |
The changes in fruit hardness during storage in three pear cultivars depending on rootstocks
Naučni skup | 55th Croatian & 15th International Symposium on Agriculture |
Publikacija | Zbornik radova |
Godina | 2020 |
Autori | Sanda Stanivuković, Gordana Đurić, and Borut Bosančić |
Strana od | 284 |
Veb adresa | file:///C:/Users/IGR-26%20(User)/Downloads/sa2020_proceedings.pdf |
Evaluations of pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivars on sensitivity to pear leaf blister mite (Eriophies pyri).
Naučni skup | VIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences AgroReS 2021 |
Godina | 2019 |
Autori | Sanja Anđić, Borut Bosančić, Gordana Đurić, and Branimir Nježić |
The effect of grafting on calcium influx in tomato hybrids under salt stress conditions
Naučni skup | 7th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2018". Book of Abstracts |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Ivana Koleška, Rodoljub Oljača, Vida Todorović, Borut Bosančić, and Senad Murtić |
Strana od | 41 |
Strana do | 42 |
Grafting influence on the copper concentration in tomato fruits under elevated soil salinity.
Naučni skup | 7th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2018", Book of Abstract |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Ivana Koleška, Rodoljub Oljača, Dino Hasanagić, Senad Murtić, Borut Bosančić, and Vida Todorović |
Strana od | 42 |
Strana do | 43 |
Fruit-bearing and qualitative seed characteristics of wild pear accessions from an in situ population
Naučni skup | AgroReS 2018 |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts - 7th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2018" February the 28th - March the 2nd, 2018; Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Nada Zavišić, Jelena Davidović Gidas, and Borut Bosančić |
Strana od | 53 |
Phenotyping tools for assessment of some leaf morphological traits in European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.)
Naučni skup | AgroReS 2018 |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts - 7th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2018" February the 28th - March the 2nd, 2018; Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Jelena Davidović Gidas, Borut Bosančić, and Gordana Đurić |
Strana od | 96 |
Cytokinin application enhance tomato plant growth parameters under salinity stress conditions.
Naučni skup | 3nd International Symposium for Agriculture and Food - ISAF 2017 |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Vida Todorović, Svjetlana Zeljković, Borut Bosančić, and Ivana Koleška |
Strana od | 400 |
Impact of substrate salinity levels in the early growth, quality and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
Naučni skup | 52nd Croatian and 12th International Symposium on Agriculture |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Vida Todorović, Ivana Koleška, Rodoljub Oljača, Borut Bosančić, and Nikolina Đekić |
Strana od | 139 |
The stability of productivity of local accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris L. ssp. volubilis depending on the climatic conditions of different regions of the Republic of Srpska (BiH). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ,,135 YEARS AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE IN SADOVO AND 40 YEARS INSTITUTE OF PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES – SADOVO”
Publikacija | PROCEEDING - ISBN 978-619-90842-0-5 |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Vida Todorović, Marina Antić, Gordana Đurić, Vladimir Meglič, Mirjana Vasić, and Borut Bosančić |
Strana od | 41 |
Strana do | 50 |
Veb adresa | www.ipgrbg.com |
Varijabilnost morfoloških karakteristika ploda kruške sorte Lubeničarka
Naučni skup | Međunarodni simpozijum agronoma |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Ljubomir Radoš, Bojana Vučković, and Borut Bosančić |
Strana od | 611 |
Strana do | 614 |
Morphological characterization of wild pear fruits (Pyrus communis L.) in the Starcevica forest park
Naučni skup | 6th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Marina Antić, Gordana Đurić, and Borut Bosančić |
Strana od | 150 |
Impact of substrate salinity levels in the early growth, quality and yield of tomato (Lycopesicon esculentum Mill.)
Naučni skup | 52. Hrvatski i 12. Međunarodni Simpozij agronoma. Book of Abstract |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Vida Todorović, Ivana Koleška, Rodoljub Oljača, Borut Bosančić, and Nikolina Đekić |
Varijabilnost morfoloških karakteristika ploda sorte kruške Lubeničarka
Naučni skup | 52nd Croatian & 12th International Symposium on Agriculture |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Ljubomir Radoš, Bojana Vučković, Tanja Krmpot, and Borut Bosančić |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Miljan Cvetković, Borut Bosančić, and Zorana Kunovac |
Strana od | 109 |
Strana do | 114 |
Impact of thawing temperature on motility parameters of bull's semen
Naučni skup | AGROSYM2016 |
Publikacija | Book of proceedings |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Stoja Jotanović, Marija Jovičić, Đorđe Savić, Marinko Vekić, Borut Bosančić, Milenko Šarić, and Ivan Stančić |
Strana od | 2310 |
Strana do | 2314 |
Veb adresa | http://www.agrosym.rs.ba/agrosym/agrosym_2016/BOOK%20OF%20PROCEEDINGS%202016%20FINAL.pdf |
Impact of thawing temperature on quality parameters of bull's semen
Naučni skup | AGROSYM2016 |
Publikacija | Book of proceedings |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Stoja Jotanović, Marija Jovičić, Đorđe Savić, Marinko Vekić, Borut Bosančić, and Ivan Stančić |
Strana od | 2467 |
Strana do | 2471 |
Veb adresa | http://www.agrosym.rs.ba/agrosym/agrosym_2016/BOOK%20OF%20PROCEEDINGS%202016%20FINAL.pdf |
Impact of thawing temperature on quality parameters of bull's semen
Naučni skup | VII International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2016" |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Stoja Jotanović, Marija Jovičić, Đorđe Savić, Marinko Vekić, Borut Bosančić, and Ivan Stančić |
Strana od | 969 |
Impact of thawing temperature on motility parameters of bull's semen
Naučni skup | VII International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2016" |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Stoja Jotanović, Marija Jovičić, Đorđe Savić, Marinko Vekić, Borut Bosančić, Milenko Šarić, and Ivan Stančić |
Strana od | 970 |
Naučni skup | VII International Scientific Agiculture Symposium "Agrosym 2016" |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Stoja Jotanović, Marija Jovičić, Đorđe Savić, Marinko Vekić, Borut Bosančić, and Ivan Stančić |
Strana od | 2467 |
Strana do | 2471 |
Veb adresa | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311559208_IMPACT_OF_THAWING_TEMPERATURE_ON_QUALITY_PARAMETERS_OF_BULL'S_SEMEN |
Naučni skup | VII International Scientific Agiculture Symposium "Agrosym 2016" |
DOI | 10.7251/AGRENG1607344 |
Publikacija | AGROSYM 2016 |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Stoja Jotanović, Marija Jovičić, Đorđe Savić, Marinko Vekić, Borut Bosančić, Milenko Šarić, and Ivan Stančić |
Strana od | 2310 |
Strana do | 2314 |
Veb adresa | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311559249_IMPACT_OF_THAWING_TEMPERATURE_ON_MOTILITY_PARAMETERS_OF_BULL'S_SEMEN |
Biometrical analysis in between the descriptive and the inferential mathematical-statistical approach
Naučni skup | BIOSTAT2014 |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Nikola Mićić, Jasmin Komić, and Borut Bosančić |
Effects of salinity on color changes, sugar concentration and acid concentration in tomato fruit
Naučni skup | International symposium on sustainable fruit production, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus |
Publikacija | Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Boris Pašalić, Vida Todorović, Ivana Koleška, Borut Bosančić, and Nikolina Đekić |
Strana od | 137 |
Strana do | 142 |
Veb adresa | https://acs.agr.hr/acs/index.php/acs/article/view/1155 |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Ivana Koleška, Vida Todorović, Rodoljub Oljača, Dino Hasanagić, Borut Bosančić, and Nikolina Đekić |
Strana od | 115 |
Strana do | 116 |
Efficiency of Biostimulants Application in the Regulation of Tomato Productivity
Naučni skup | International Symposium for Agriculture and Food - ISAF 2015 |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Vida Todorović, Svjetlana Zeljković, Ivana Koleška, Borut Bosančić, and I Klokić |
Strana od | 427 |
Strana do | 432 |
Modelling the bearing potential of blackberry(Rubus fruticosus) cv. THORNFREE
Naučni skup | International Symposium for Agriculture and Food - ISAF 2015 |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Miljan Cvetković, Nikola Mićić, M Marušić, and Borut Bosančić |
Strana od | 597 |
Strana do | 602 |
Influence of Rachis Position on Physical and Compositional Parameters of Cabernet Sauvignon Berries
Naučni skup | Agrosym |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Tatjana Jovanović-Cvetković, Rada Grbić, Borut Bosančić, and Nemanja Mišić |
Increased salinity impact of photosinthetic efficiency parametars in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
Naučni skup | 5th Internacional Symposium Agricultural Scinces |
Publikacija | Book of Abstract 5th Internacional Symposium Agricultural Scinces (AgroRes 2016) |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Ivana Koleška, Vida Todorović, Rodoljub Oljača, Dino Hasanagić, Borut Bosančić, and Nikolina Đekić |
Strana od | 115 |
Effect size and its statistical significance in published papers as metadata in horticultural sciences for application of meta-analysis
Naučni skup | BIOSTAT2015 |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Borut Bosančić, Marija Pecina, and Nikola Mićić |
Genetic resources conservation in (BiH) Republic of Srpska - status and propositions for improvement
Naučni skup | I naučni simpozijum "Očuvanje genetičkih resursa" |
Publikacija | Zbornik sažetaka i program rada I naučnog simpozijuma "Očuvanje genetičkih resursa" |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Gordana Đurić, Nada Šumatić, Nikola Mićić, Milan Mataruga, Goran Trbić, Živojin Erić, Zoran Govedar, Jelena Davidović, Marina Antić, Jovica Sjeničić, Borut Bosančić, and Marinko Vekić |
Strana od | 5 |
Strana do | 6 |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Vida Todorović, Ivana Koleška, Rodoljub Oljača, Borut Bosančić, and Sretenka Srdić |
Aegilops ssp. participation in development of Triticum ssp
Godina | 2013 |
Autori | Ivana Koleška, Borut Bosančić, Marina Antić, and Rodoljub Oljača |
Strana od | 231 |
Strana do | 232 |
Trenutno stanje i perspektive gospodarenja životinjskog otpada u Posavini / The current state and prospects of waste of animal origin in the Posavina region
Naučni skup | XII. Međunarodni simpozij gospodarenje otpadom / 12th International Symposium on Waste Management |
Publikacija | Knjiga sažetaka / Book of abstracts |
Godina | 2012 |
Autori | Stoja Jotanović, Gordana Đurić, Danijela Kondić, Borut Bosančić, Veljko Vorkapić, Ana Kojaković, and Duška Šaša |
Strana od | 114 |
Production of bioenergy in Posavina region
Naučni skup | I International Symposium and XVII Scientific Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska |
Publikacija | Book of abstracts |
Godina | 2012 |
Autori | Veljko Vorkapić, Ana Kojaković, Gordana Đurić, Stoja Jotanović, Danijela Kondić, Borut Bosančić, and Duška Šaša |
Strana od | 85 |
Features of using biomass as an energy source
Naučni skup | I International Symposium and XVII Scientific Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts |
Godina | 2012 |
Autori | Zoran Govedar, Stoja Jotanović, Dane Marčeta, Danijela Kondić, Srđan Keren, and Borut Bosančić |
Strana od | 84 |
Biometric studies of morphological characteristics of the fruit Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) in the valley of Drvar
Naučni skup | XVI International Scientific Conference of Agronomist of Republic of Srpska |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts |
Godina | 2011 |
Autori | Borut Bosančić, Marina Antić, M. Martinović, Nataša Pašalić, Ivana Koleška, and M. Davidović |
Strana od | 73 |
Kolekcija ljekovitog i aromatičnog bilja u banci gena Republike Srpske.
Naučni skup | I simpozijum hortikulture u BiH sa međunarodnim učešćem |
Publikacija | Zbornik sažetaka |
Godina | 2010 |
Autori | Marina Radun, Dragana Pećanac, Dimitrije Marković, Borut Bosančić, Nataša Pašalić, and Svjetlana Zeljković |
Strana od | 73 |
Strana do | 74 |
A Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in a Gene Bank of Republika Srpska
Naučni skup | The 1 st Symposium of Horticulture in B&H with international participation "Challenges and Inovations in Horticulture" |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts |
Godina | 2010 |
Autori | Marina Antić, Dragana Radulović, Dimitrije Marković, Borut Bosančić, Nataša Pašalić, and Svjetlana Zeljković |
Strana od | 73 |
Značaj i perspektiva tradicionalnih proizvoda drena (Cornus mas L.) na primjeru Drvarske kotline
Naučni skup | Prvi simpozijum hortikulture u BiH sa međunarodnim učešćem, |
Publikacija | Zbornik sažetaka |
Godina | 2010 |
Autori | Borut Bosančić, Marina Antić, and Nataša Pašalić |
Strana od | 36 |
Ostali radovi
Izdavač | University of Banjaluka, Faculty of Agriculture |
ISSN/ISBN | 978-99938-93-37-0 |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Ivana Koleška, Vida Todorović, Rodoljub Oljača, Dino Hasanagić, Borut Bosančić, and Nikolina Đekić |
Strana od | 116 |
Strana do | 116 |
Veb adresa | http://www.agrores.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/ZBORNIK-SAZETAKA-2016-27.02.pdf |
Effects of salinity on color changes, sugar concentration and acid concentration in tomato fruit
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Boris Pašalić, Vida Todorović, Ivana Koleška, Borut Bosančić, and Nikolina Đekić |
Strana od | 23 |
Strana do | 24 |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Vida Todorović, Ivana Koleška, Rodoljub Oljača, Borut Bosančić, and Sretenka Srdić |
Strana od | 94 |
Strana do | 95 |
Godina | 2013 |
Autori | Ivana Koleška, Borut Bosančić, Marina Antić, and Rodoljub Oljača |
Strana od | 231 |
Strana do | 232 |
Domestication and morphological variation in wild and cultivated populations of Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) in the area of the Drvar Valley, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Izdavač | Švedski univerzitet poljoprivrednih nauka (Epsilon Archive) |
Godina | 2009 |
Autori | Borut Bosančić |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 60 |
Metaanaliza - teorija i primjena u agronomskim istraživanjima
Izdavač | Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci |
ISBN | 978-99938-93-94-3. |
Godina | 2023 |
Autori | Borut Bosančić |
Tip knjige | naučna knjiga |
Broj strana | 152 |
Biomasa kao obnovljivi izvor energije
Izdavač | Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Institut za genetičke resurse |
ISBN | 978-99976-655-0-8 |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Zoran Govedar, Dane Marčeta, Srđan Keren, Nikola Mićić, Gordana Đurić, Stoja Jotanović, Danijela Kondić, Borut Bosančić, Nataša Pašalić, Dario Jokanović, Marina Radun, Goran Granić, Branka Jelavić, Biljana Kulišić, and Veljko Vorkapić |
Tip knjige | naučna knjiga |
Broj strana | 143 |
Sinteza naucnih dokaza u agronomiji
Project Number | 1251537 |
Status | Aktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni - ostali |
Organizational unit | Institut za geneticke resurse |
Head | prof. dr Borut Bosancic |
Participants |
Nikola Travar Sandra Majkic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj i visoko obarzovanje Republike Srpske |
Beginning of realization | 2025-01-01 |
End of the project | 2025-12-31 |
Project value | 1500.0 BAM |
Genetska adaptacija ekotipova divokoze (Rupicapra rupicapra L.) na klimatske promjene i gubitak stanista: Studija slucaja ugrozene podvrste balkanska divokoza (R.r. balcanica).
Project Number | 1251457 |
Status | Aktivan |
Type of project | Medjunarodni naucnoistrazivacki - Ostali |
Organizational unit | Sumarski fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Dragan Gacic |
Participants |
prof. dr Vanja Danicic Damir Mrdjenovic, ma prof. dr Borut Bosancic dr Bostajn Pokorny dr Marina Nonic |
Business Partner | BIOPOLIS |
Beginning of realization | 2024-04-01 |
End of the project | 2025-09-01 |
Project value | 97075.0 BAM |
Ispitivanje antioksidativne aktivnosti u plodovima iz zasada poljskih kolekcija autohtonih sorti jabuka i krusaka
Project Number | 1251248 |
Status | Aktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Institut za geneticke resurse |
Head | prof. dr Boris Pasalic |
Participants |
David Ducanovic Petar Nikolic, ma mr Suncica Bodruzic Nikolina Prodanovic prof. dr Mirjana Zabic prof. dr Borut Bosancic Andjela Bujic Zlatan Ristic, ma |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj i visoko obarzovanje Republike Srpske |
Beginning of realization | 2024-01-01 |
End of the project | 2025-12-01 |
Project value | 4500.0 BAM |
Karakterizacija genetickih resursa paprike iz Banke gena Republike Srpske
Project Number | 1251529 |
Status | Aktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Institut za geneticke resurse |
Head | doc. dr Marina Antic |
Participants |
prof. dr Borut Bosancic Stefani Tepic, ma Teodora Arsanovic Nikolina Djekic, ma Sonja Umicevic, ma David Ducanovic dr Biljana Lolic Natasa Pasalic prof. dr Zeljko Lakic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj i visoko obarzovanje Republike Srpske |
Beginning of realization | 2024-01-01 |
End of the project | 2025-12-31 |
Project value | 6000.0 BAM |
Ispitivanje efekta tretmana plodova tresnje, u svrhu poboljsanja kvaliteta, suzbijanja pojave pucanja plodova i kondicioniranja istih za dugotrajnije cuvanje u skladistu, hormonskim i mineralnim pripravcima
Project Number | 1250187 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Institut za geneticke resurse |
Head | prof. dr Borut Bosancic |
Participants |
doc. dr Mirela Kajkut Zeljkovic mr Danilo Vidovic dr Predrag Ilic Zlatan Ristic, ma doc. dr Marina Antic Sonja Umicevic, ma prof. dr Boris Pasalic prof. dr Mirjana Zabic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2022-06-01 |
End of the project | 2024-07-31 |
Project value | 20000.0 BAM |
Genotipizacija gatackog goveda na teritoriji opstine Gacko u 2022. godini
Project Number | 1251522 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni - ostali |
Organizational unit | Institut za geneticke resurse |
Head | doc. dr Jelena Nikitovic |
Participants |
doc. dr Marina Antic doc. dr Mirela Kajkut Zeljkovic dr Predrag Ilic prof. dr Borut Bosancic dr Biljana Lolic Sonja Umicevic, ma dr Tatjana Krajisnik doc. dr Sanda Stanivukovic Dusan Andrijasevic mr Dragana Radulovic dr Belma Kalamujic Stroil |
Beginning of realization | 2022-03-01 |
End of the project | 2023-07-17 |
Project value | 30000.0 BAM |
Genotipizacija gatackog goveda na teritoriji opstine Gacko u 2021. godini
Project Number | 1251520 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni - ostali |
Organizational unit | Institut za geneticke resurse |
Head | doc. dr Jelena Nikitovic |
Participants |
doc. dr Marina Antic Dusan Andrijasevic dr Belma Kalamujic Stroil Bogdan Malic prof. dr Borut Bosancic doc. dr Mirela Kajkut Zeljkovic dr Tatjana Krajisnik doc. dr Sanda Stanivukovic |
Beginning of realization | 2021-06-01 |
End of the project | 2022-04-30 |
Project value | 30000.0 BAM |
Suzbijanje pucanja plodova tresnje i kondicioniranje istih za dugotrajnije cuvanje u skladistu hormonskim i mineralim pripravcima
Project Number | 1251518 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni razvojni |
Organizational unit | Institut za geneticke resurse |
Head | prof. dr Boris Pasalic |
Participants |
prof. dr Borut Bosancic doc. dr Marina Antic doc. dr Sanda Stanivukovic dr Predrag Ilic Zlatan Ristic, ma |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo civilnih poslova BiH |
Beginning of realization | 2021-01-01 |
End of the project | 2022-03-31 |
Project value | 5000.0 BAM |
Razvoj novih tehnologija za efikasniji nadzor stetnih organizama
Project Number | 1250166 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Poljoprivredni fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Branimir Njezic |
Participants |
Petar Nikolic, ma prof. dr Borut Bosancic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo civilnih poslova BiH |
Beginning of realization | 2021-01-01 |
End of the project | 2024-07-16 |
Project value | 9000.0 BAM |
Analiza zdravstvenog stanja i bezbjedonosnog rizika stabala u zasticenom podrucju „Univerzitetski grad“ metodom akusticne tomografije sa prijedlogom mjera sanacije
Project Number | 1251511 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Institut za geneticke resurse |
Head | prof. dr Rodoljub Oljaca |
Participants |
prof. dr Svjetlana Zeljkovic mr Jelena Davidovic Gidas Nikola Travar prof. dr Vanja Danicic dr Biljana Lolic Natasa Pasalic doc. mr Biljana Kelecevic prof. dr Borut Bosancic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2020-03-01 |
End of the project | 2022-01-31 |
Project value | 17000.0 BAM |
Menadzmenta M. hapla kroz razumijevanje biologije i genoma
Project Number | 1250143 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Poljoprivredni fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Branimir Njezic |
Participants |
prof. dr Borut Bosancic prof. dr Duska Delic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2020-03-01 |
End of the project | 2024-07-16 |
Project value | 21000.0 BAM |
Nacionalne inicijative za otvorenu nauku u Evropi
Project Number | 1255009 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Horizont 2020 |
Organizational unit | Elektrotehnicki fakultet |
Head | doc. dr Mihajlo Savic |
Participants |
prof. dr Vladimir Risojevic prof. dr Milorad Bozic doc. dr Marina Antic Ognjen Calic mr Dragana Radulovic prof. dr Borut Bosancic prof. dr Marijana Arapovic-Savic Vladan Stojnic |
Business Partner | Evropska komisija |
Beginning of realization | 2019-09-01 |
End of the project | 2024-03-07 |
Project value | 245750.0 BAM |
Uticaj ralicitih tipova osvjetljenja na rast i razvoj hortikulturnih biljaka u in vitro uslovima
Project Number | 1250111 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Poljoprivredni fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Boris Pasalic |
Participants |
Bosko Simic doc. dr Mirela Kajkut Zeljkovic prof. dr Svjetlana Zeljkovic Nikolina Djekic mr Slobodan Stojnic prof. dr Gordana Djuric mr Jelena Davidovic Gidas prof. dr Tatjana Jovanovic-Cvetkovic prof. dr Borut Bosancic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2019-03-01 |
End of the project | 2024-07-17 |
Project value | 11000.0 BAM |
Morfoloska, geneticka i hemijska karakterizacija lokalnih populacija divljeg hmelja (Humulus lupulus L.)
Project Number | 1251506 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Medjunarodni naucnoistrazivacki - Ostali |
Organizational unit | Institut za geneticke resurse |
Head | prof. dr Danijela Kondic |
Participants |
Djuradj Hajder, ma Marijeta Zagozen prof. dr Gordana Djuric Miha Ocvirk prof. dr Borut Bosancic Barbara Ceh Tanja Krmpot, ma Vostajn Naglic Andreja Cernak |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2019-01-01 |
End of the project | 2024-07-16 |
Project value | 4000.0 BAM |
Ocuvanje autohtonih rasa domacih zivotinja i njihovih tradicionalnih proizvoda na primjeru podveleske pramenke i psa tornjaka
Project Number | 1251504 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni - ostali |
Organizational unit | Institut za geneticke resurse |
Head | dr Milenko Saric |
Participants |
dr Predrag Ilic Slavica Samardzic prof. dr Borut Bosancic doc. dr Jelena Nikitovic Sonja Umicevic, ma Milijan Erbez doc. dr Marina Antic Bogoljub Novakovic dr Milenko Saric |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj i visoko obarzovanje Republike Srpske |
Beginning of realization | 2019-03-01 |
End of the project | 2020-11-30 |
Project value | 10200.0 BAM |
Primjena citokinina u svrhu smanjenja posljedica stresa izazvanih zaslanjivanjem zemljisnog supstrata
Project Number | 0830103 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Poljoprivredni fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Vida Todorovic |
Participants |
prof. dr Borut Bosancic Biljana Kiprovski dr Senad Murtic Nikolina Djekic dr Ivana Koleska Ivana Maksimovic Milan Borisev prof. dr Svjetlana Zeljkovic doc. dr Sanda Stanivukovic prof. dr Rodoljub Oljaca |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo nauke i tehnologije Republike Srpske |
Beginning of realization | 2016-01-31 |
End of the project | 2018-03-20 |
Project value | 23700.0 BAM |
Upravljanje i koriscenje genetickim resursima jabucastog voca za odrzivu hortikulturnu proizvodnju i proizvodnju zdrave hrane
Project Number | 8317030 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Institut za geneticke resurse |
Head | prof. dr Gordana Djuric |
Participants |
doc. dr Sanda Stanivukovic prof. dr Nikola Micic prof. dr Borut Bosancic prof. dr Mirjana Zabic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo nauke i tehnologije Republike Srpske |
Beginning of realization | 2016-01-01 |
End of the project | 2018-12-31 |
Project value | 3000.0 BAM |