Katedre |
Uža naučna/umjetnička oblast | Zvanje | Datum izbora u zvanje |
Statistička analiza | redovni profesor | December 31, 2004 |
Poljoprivredni fakultet
Akademske studije drugog ciklusa | Akademske studije trećeg ciklusa |
Radovi u časopisima
The Influence of Game-Related Statistics on the Final Results in FIBA Global and Continental Competitions
DOI | 10.3390/app14125357 |
Časopis | Applied Sciences |
Godina | 2024 |
Autori | Jasmin Komić, Slobodan Simović, Denis Čaušević, Dan Iluian Alexe, Michael Wilk, Babina Rani, and Cristina Iona Alexe |
Volumen | 14 |
Broj | 12 |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 15 |
Veb adresa | https://susy.mdpi.com/user/manuscripts/review_info/92f29939f6d92845e864d736e96eb805 |
Modeling the influence of basketball game parameters on the final result in Tokyo 2020
DOI | 10.4025/jphyseduc.v33i1.3340 |
Časopis | Journal of Phyisical Education |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Zoran Pajić, Nenad Rađević, Bojan Guzina, and Goran Grahovac |
Volumen | 33 |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | e3340-1 |
Strana do | e3340-13 |
Veb adresa | https://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/RevEducFis/issue/view/1966 |
Modeling the influence of basketball game parameters on the final result in Tokyo 2020
DOI | https://doi.org/10.4025/jphyseduc.v33i1.3340 |
Časopis | Journal of Phyisical Education |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Zoran Pajić, Nenad Rađević, Bojan Guzina, and Goran Grahovac |
Volumen | 33 |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | e3340-1 |
Strana do | e3340-13 |
Difference-based analysis of the impact of observed game parameters on the final score at the FIBA Eurobasket Women 2019
DOI | :10.14198/jhse.2021.162.12 |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Bojan Guzina, Zoran Pajić, Tamara Karalić, and Goran Pašić |
Volumen | 16 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 373 |
Strana do | 387 |
Veb adresa | https://www.jhse.ua.es/ |
Quantitative analysis of 2017 FIBA Zone championships based on a discriminant regression model
DOI | 10.24327/ijrsr.2019.1009.3933 |
Časopis | IJRSR |
Godina | 2019 |
Autori | Slobodan Simović, Filip Jovanović, Jasmin Komić, Bojan Matković, and Zoran Pajić |
Volumen | 10 |
Broj | 09(B) |
Strana od | 34607 |
Strana do | 34617 |
Veb adresa | http://www.recentscientific.com |
Analysis of Influence of Basketball Game-Related Statistics on Final Result Based on Differences at the 2017 FIBA Asia Cup
DOI | 10.5812/asjsm.69109 |
Časopis | Asian Journal of Sport Medicine |
Godina | 2019 |
Autori | Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Bojan Matković, Zoran Pajić, and Bojan Guzina |
Volumen | 10 |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | e69109-1 |
Strana do | e69109-9 |
Veb adresa | http://asjsm.com |
Influence of Game-Related Statistical Elements on Final Results in FIBA Eurobasket Women 2017
DOI | 10.22190/FUPES181204063S |
Časopis | Facta universitatis, Series: Physical Education and sport |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Bojan Guzina, Zoran Pajić, and Milenko Vojvodić |
Volumen | 16 |
Broj | 4 |
Strana od | 709 |
Strana do | 723 |
Veb adresa | http://casopisi.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/FUPhysEdSport |
DOI | http://dx.doi.org/10.7251/qol.v5i1-2.465 |
Godina | 2012 |
Autori | Slavica Grujić and Jasmin Komić |
Volumen | 5 |
Broj | 1-2 |
Strana od | 13 |
Strana do | 26 |
Veb adresa | http://www.qol-au.com |
Analysis of influence of certain elements of basketball game on final result based on diferentiant at the XIII, XIV and XV world championship
Časopis | Acta Kinesiologica |
Godina | 2008 |
Autori | Slobodan Simović and Jasmin Komić |
Volumen | 2 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 57 |
Strana do | 65 |
Veb adresa | http://www.actakin.com/ |
Regresiona analiza uticaja pojedinih elemenata košarkaške igre na konačan rezultat na bazi diferencija
Časopis | Glasnik Fakulteta fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci |
Godina | 2007 |
Autori | Slobodan Simović and Jasmin Komić |
Volumen | 3 |
Strana od | 27 |
Strana do | 37 |
Regresiona analiza uticaja pojedinih elemenata košarkaške igre na konačan rezultat na bazi diferencija.
Časopis | Savremeni sport |
Godina | 2004 |
Autori | Slobodan Simović and Jasmin Komić |
Volumen | 2 |
Broj | 1-2 |
Strana od | 14 |
Strana do | 19 |
Comparative growt analysis of the nase (Chondrostoma nasus L., 1758.), chub (Leuciscus cephalus L., 1758.) and barbel (Barbus barbus L., 1758.) in the river Drina, (Komparatvina analiza rasta škobalja - Chondrostoma nasus L., 1758., klena – Leuciscus cephalus L., 1758. i mrene - Barbus barbus L., 1758. u rijeci Drini)
Časopis | Acta biologica iugoslavica - serija E: Ichtyologia |
Godina | 1997 |
Autori | Dragan Mikavica, Radoslav Grujić, and Jasmin Komić |
Volumen | 29 |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 17 |
Radovi sa skupova
Biometrical analysis in between the descriptive and the inferential mathematical-statistical approach
Naučni skup | BIOSTAT2014 |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Nikola Mićić, Jasmin Komić, and Borut Bosančić |
Accounting and Tax Framework for R&D in the Republic of Srpska - Possible Adjustments and Changes
Naučni skup | 5th International scientific conference Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies (REDETE 2016) |
Publikacija | Zbornik radova |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Željana Jovičić, Duško Šnjegota, Jasmin Komić, Duško Daničić, and Srđan Amidžić |
Strana od | 211 |
Strana do | 222 |
Fiscal and Monetary Stabilization Policy of the "Closed" Economy
Naučni skup | Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies |
Publikacija | Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: Assessment of the last 25 years, going beyond the "transition" |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Dalibor Tomaš, Jasmin Komić, and Darko Milunović |
Strana od | 201 |
Strana do | 226 |
Veb adresa | http://www.redete.org/doc/Fourth-REDETE-Conference_web.pdf |
Statistical Aspects of Tourism Satelite Accounts Application with the Special Emphasis on the Western Balkan Countries
Naučni skup | 3rd International scientific conference Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies (REDETE 2014) |
Publikacija | Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-99938-46-54-3 |
Godina | 2014 |
Autori | Jasmin Komić, Darko Milunović, and Željana Jovičić |
Strana od | 730 |
Strana do | 745 |
Analysis of results at Eurobasket 2011 – final results of observed elements of basketball game
Naučni skup | Anthropological aspects of sport, physical education and recreation |
DOI | 10.5550/SP.3.2011.03 |
Publikacija | Proceednigs book |
Godina | 2013 |
Autori | Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Bojan Matković, and Đorđe Nićin |
Strana od | 19 |
Strana do | 28 |
Veb adresa | http://www.sportkon.com/3/3.html |
Mogućnost realizacije Strategije naučnog i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srpske
Naučni skup | Republika Srpska, 20 godina razvoja – dostignuća, izazovi i perspektive |
Publikacija | Zbornik radova |
Godina | 2012 |
Autori | Željana Jovičić and Jasmin Komić |
Strana od | 373 |
Strana do | 407 |
Characterization of Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia) honey from three geographical regions of North-West Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Naučni skup | 7th International Congress of Food Technologists, 20-23 September 2011, Opatija, Croatia. |
DOI | 10.13140/2.1.3270.2247 |
Publikacija | Proceedings. 7th International Congress of Food Technologists, 20-23 September 2011, Opatija, Croatia |
Godina | 2011 |
Autori | Slavica Grujić, Radoslav Grujić, Jovanka Popov-Raljić, and Jasmin Komić |
Strana od | 274 |
Strana do | 278 |
Veb adresa | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Grujic_Slavica/publication/230819083_Characterization_of_Black_Locust_%28Robinia_Pseudoacacia%29_Honey_from_Three_Geographical_Regions_of_North-West_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina/links/0fcfd504f358ef0212000000.pdf?origin=publication_detail |
Characterization of Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia) honey from three geographical regions of North-West Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Naučni skup | 7th International Congress of Food Technologists, |
Publikacija | Book of abstracts. 7th International Congress of Food Technologists, 20-23 September 2011, Opatija, Croatia |
Godina | 2011 |
Autori | Slavica Grujić, Radoslav Grujić, Jovanka Popov-Raljić, and Jasmin Komić |
Strana od | p |
Strana do | 227 |
Analiza tendencija uvoza i izvoza svježeg povrća BiH
Naučni skup | 45 Hrvatski i 5 međunarodni simpozij agronoma |
Godina | 2010 |
Autori | Aleksandar Ostojić, Jasmin Komić, LJiljana Drinić, Gordana Rokvić, and Vesna Mrdalj |
Strana od | 298 |
Strana do | 302 |
Discriminating Geographical Origin of Honeys from Bosnia and Herzegovina Based on their Quality Control Data Statistical Analysis
Naučni skup | 3rd Slovenian Congress on Food and Nutrition: “FOOD PROCESSING-INNOVATION-NUTRITION-HEALTHY CONSUMERS”, |
Publikacija | Book of Abstracts, 3rd Slovenian Congress on Food and Nutrition: “FOOD PROCESSING-INNOVATION-NUTRITION-HEALTHY CONSUMERS”, Radenci, Ljubljana, Slovenia, |
Godina | 2007 |
Autori | Slavica Grujić, Radoslav Grujić, and Jasmin Komić |
Strana od | p |
Strana do | 55 |
Analiza nivoa znanja potrošača u Republici Srpskoj o uticaju ishrane na gojaznost.
Naučni skup | I Kongres o hiperlipoproteinemijama Srbije i Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem, |
Publikacija | Zbornik sažetaka I Kongresa o hiperlipoproteinemijama Srbije i Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem, 15-17 septembar 2004. Novi Sad, |
Godina | 2004 |
Autori | Radoslav Grujić, Nataša Marčeta - Kamenko, Slavica Grujić, and Jasmin Komić |
Strana od | p |
Strana do | 175 |
Modeliranje uticaja parametara košarkjaške igre na konačan rezultat
Izdavač | Univerzitet u Banja Luci |
ISBN | 978-99938-38-59-3 |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Slobodan Simović and Jasmin Komić |
Tip knjige | naučna knjiga |
Broj strana | 322 |