
prof. dr Jasmin Komić
redovni profesor

  • Ekonomski fakultet - Katedra za kvantitativnu analizu i informatiku
Uža naučna/umjetnička oblast Zvanje Datum izbora u zvanje
Statistička analiza redovni profesor December 31, 2004


Poljoprivredni fakultet

Akademske studije drugog ciklusa Akademske studije trećeg ciklusa


Radovi u časopisima

    The Influence of Game-Related Statistics on the Final Results in FIBA Global and Continental Competitions

    DOI 10.3390/app14125357
    Časopis Applied Sciences
    Godina 2024
    Autori Jasmin Komić, Slobodan Simović, Denis Čaušević, Dan Iluian Alexe, Michael Wilk, Babina Rani, and Cristina Iona Alexe
    Volumen 14
    Broj 12
    Strana od 1
    Strana do 15
    Veb adresa

    Modeling the influence of basketball game parameters on the final result in Tokyo 2020

    DOI 10.4025/jphyseduc.v33i1.3340
    Časopis Journal of Phyisical Education
    Godina 2022
    Autori Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Zoran Pajić, Nenad Rađević, Bojan Guzina, and Goran Grahovac
    Volumen 33
    Broj 1
    Strana od e3340-1
    Strana do e3340-13
    Veb adresa

    Modeling the influence of basketball game parameters on the final result in Tokyo 2020

    Časopis Journal of Phyisical Education
    Godina 2022
    Autori Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Zoran Pajić, Nenad Rađević, Bojan Guzina, and Goran Grahovac
    Volumen 33
    Broj 1
    Strana od e3340-1
    Strana do e3340-13

    Difference-based analysis of the impact of observed game parameters on the final score at the FIBA Eurobasket Women 2019

    DOI :10.14198/jhse.2021.162.12
    Godina 2021
    Autori Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Bojan Guzina, Zoran Pajić, Tamara Karalić, and Goran Pašić
    Volumen 16
    Broj 2
    Strana od 373
    Strana do 387
    Veb adresa

    Quantitative analysis of 2017 FIBA Zone championships based on a discriminant regression model

    DOI 10.24327/ijrsr.2019.1009.3933
    Časopis IJRSR
    Godina 2019
    Autori Slobodan Simović, Filip Jovanović, Jasmin Komić, Bojan Matković, and Zoran Pajić
    Volumen 10
    Broj 09(B)
    Strana od 34607
    Strana do 34617
    Veb adresa

    Analysis of Influence of Basketball Game-Related Statistics on Final Result Based on Differences at the 2017 FIBA Asia Cup

    DOI 10.5812/asjsm.69109
    Časopis Asian Journal of Sport Medicine
    Godina 2019
    Autori Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Bojan Matković, Zoran Pajić, and Bojan Guzina
    Volumen 10
    Broj 1
    Strana od e69109-1
    Strana do e69109-9
    Veb adresa

    Influence of Game-Related Statistical Elements on Final Results in FIBA Eurobasket Women 2017

    DOI 10.22190/FUPES181204063S
    Časopis Facta universitatis, Series: Physical Education and sport
    Godina 2018
    Autori Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Bojan Guzina, Zoran Pajić, and Milenko Vojvodić
    Volumen 16
    Broj 4
    Strana od 709
    Strana do 723
    Veb adresa


    Godina 2012
    Autori Slavica Grujić and Jasmin Komić
    Volumen 5
    Broj 1-2
    Strana od 13
    Strana do 26
    Veb adresa

    Analysis of influence of certain elements of basketball game on final result based on diferentiant at the XIII, XIV and XV world championship

    Časopis Acta Kinesiologica
    Godina 2008
    Autori Slobodan Simović and Jasmin Komić
    Volumen 2
    Broj 2
    Strana od 57
    Strana do 65
    Veb adresa

    Regresiona analiza uticaja pojedinih elemenata košarkaške igre na konačan rezultat na bazi diferencija

    Časopis Glasnik Fakulteta fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci
    Godina 2007
    Autori Slobodan Simović and Jasmin Komić
    Volumen 3
    Strana od 27
    Strana do 37

    Regresiona analiza uticaja pojedinih elemenata košarkaške igre na konačan rezultat na bazi diferencija.

    Časopis Savremeni sport
    Godina 2004
    Autori Slobodan Simović and Jasmin Komić
    Volumen 2
    Broj 1-2
    Strana od 14
    Strana do 19

    Comparative growt analysis of the nase (Chondrostoma nasus L., 1758.), chub (Leuciscus cephalus L., 1758.) and barbel (Barbus barbus L., 1758.) in the river Drina, (Komparatvina analiza rasta škobalja - Chondrostoma nasus L., 1758., klena – Leuciscus cephalus L., 1758. i mrene - Barbus barbus L., 1758. u rijeci Drini)

    Časopis Acta biologica iugoslavica - serija E: Ichtyologia
    Godina 1997
    Autori Dragan Mikavica, Radoslav Grujić, and Jasmin Komić
    Volumen 29
    Broj 1
    Strana od 1
    Strana do 17

Radovi sa skupova

    Biometrical analysis in between the descriptive and the inferential mathematical-statistical approach

    Naučni skup BIOSTAT2014
    Godina 2016
    Autori Nikola Mićić, Jasmin Komić, and Borut Bosančić

    Accounting and Tax Framework for R&D in the Republic of Srpska - Possible Adjustments and Changes

    Naučni skup 5th International scientific conference Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies (REDETE 2016)
    Publikacija Zbornik radova
    Godina 2016
    Autori Željana Jovičić, Duško Šnjegota, Jasmin Komić, Duško Daničić, and Srđan Amidžić
    Strana od 211
    Strana do 222

    Fiscal and Monetary Stabilization Policy of the "Closed" Economy

    Naučni skup Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies
    Publikacija Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: Assessment of the last 25 years, going beyond the "transition"
    Godina 2015
    Autori Dalibor Tomaš, Jasmin Komić, and Darko Milunović
    Strana od 201
    Strana do 226
    Veb adresa

    Statistical Aspects of Tourism Satelite Accounts Application with the Special Emphasis on the Western Balkan Countries

    Naučni skup 3rd International scientific conference Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies (REDETE 2014)
    Publikacija Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-99938-46-54-3
    Godina 2014
    Autori Jasmin Komić, Darko Milunović, and Željana Jovičić
    Strana od 730
    Strana do 745

    Analysis of results at Eurobasket 2011 – final results of observed elements of basketball game

    Naučni skup Anthropological aspects of sport, physical education and recreation
    DOI 10.5550/SP.3.2011.03
    Publikacija Proceednigs book
    Godina 2013
    Autori Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Bojan Matković, and Đorđe Nićin
    Strana od 19
    Strana do 28
    Veb adresa

    Mogućnost realizacije Strategije naučnog i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srpske

    Naučni skup Republika Srpska, 20 godina razvoja – dostignuća, izazovi i perspektive
    Publikacija Zbornik radova
    Godina 2012
    Autori Željana Jovičić and Jasmin Komić
    Strana od 373
    Strana do 407

    Characterization of Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia) honey from three geographical regions of North-West Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Naučni skup 7th International Congress of Food Technologists, 20-23 September 2011, Opatija, Croatia.
    DOI 10.13140/2.1.3270.2247
    Publikacija Proceedings. 7th International Congress of Food Technologists, 20-23 September 2011, Opatija, Croatia
    Godina 2011
    Autori Slavica Grujić, Radoslav Grujić, Jovanka Popov-Raljić, and Jasmin Komić
    Strana od 274
    Strana do 278
    Veb adresa

    Characterization of Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia) honey from three geographical regions of North-West Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Naučni skup 7th International Congress of Food Technologists,
    Publikacija Book of abstracts. 7th International Congress of Food Technologists, 20-23 September 2011, Opatija, Croatia
    Godina 2011
    Autori Slavica Grujić, Radoslav Grujić, Jovanka Popov-Raljić, and Jasmin Komić
    Strana od p
    Strana do 227

    Analiza tendencija uvoza i izvoza svježeg povrća BiH

    Naučni skup 45 Hrvatski i 5 međunarodni simpozij agronoma
    Godina 2010
    Autori Aleksandar Ostojić, Jasmin Komić, LJiljana Drinić, Gordana Rokvić, and Vesna Mrdalj
    Strana od 298
    Strana do 302

    Discriminating Geographical Origin of Honeys from Bosnia and Herzegovina Based on their Quality Control Data Statistical Analysis

    Naučni skup 3rd Slovenian Congress on Food and Nutrition: “FOOD PROCESSING-INNOVATION-NUTRITION-HEALTHY CONSUMERS”,
    Publikacija Book of Abstracts, 3rd Slovenian Congress on Food and Nutrition: “FOOD PROCESSING-INNOVATION-NUTRITION-HEALTHY CONSUMERS”, Radenci, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
    Godina 2007
    Autori Slavica Grujić, Radoslav Grujić, and Jasmin Komić
    Strana od p
    Strana do 55

    Analiza nivoa znanja potrošača u Republici Srpskoj o uticaju ishrane na gojaznost.

    Naučni skup I Kongres o hiperlipoproteinemijama Srbije i Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem,
    Publikacija Zbornik sažetaka I Kongresa o hiperlipoproteinemijama Srbije i Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem, 15-17 septembar 2004. Novi Sad,
    Godina 2004
    Autori Radoslav Grujić, Nataša Marčeta - Kamenko, Slavica Grujić, and Jasmin Komić
    Strana od p
    Strana do 175


    Modeliranje uticaja parametara košarkjaške igre na konačan rezultat

    Izdavač Univerzitet u Banja Luci
    ISBN 978-99938-38-59-3
    Godina 2021
    Autori Slobodan Simović and Jasmin Komić
    Tip knjige naučna knjiga
    Broj strana 322