Exchange of students and staff
Exchange of students and staff
Rulebook on student and staff international mobility
Guide for incoming student and staff
Academic offer in English - 1st cycle of studies
Academic offer in English - 2nd cycle of studies
Academic offer in English - 3rd cycle of studies
In the scope of international cooperation, the University of Banja Luka devotes considerable attention to the mobility of students and staff as a part of the activities within international mobility programs, under cooperation agreements, through study visits, summer schools, workshops, seminars and practical training.
Erasmus+ (KA107) – International Credit Mobility is a program of the European Commission that provides universities with student and staff mobility opportunities. As per the program rules before the realization of mobilities, a so-called Inter-Institutional Agreement must be signed. University of Banja Luka has participated in the program since its beginning in 2014 and has signed over 60 Inter-Institutional Agreements with partners from 26 European countries. The student mobility can last from three (3) to twelve (12) months for the purpose of study and two (2) to twelve (12) months for the purpose of practical training. The staff mobility can last from five (5) days to two (2) months.
The University of Banja Luka has been a member of the so-called CEEPUS network (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) since 2008. These activities are carried out in cooperation with the Ministry for Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of Republic of Srpska and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Activities on the realization of this program will be continued in the following years through the realization of the CEEPUS III program.
Students of the University of Banja Luka have been conducting professional practice abroad for more than 15 years through IAESTE - International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience. IAESTE Exchange Platform can be found at the following address: https://iaeste.smartsimple.ie/s_Login.jsp
Erasmus Mundus was a European Commission program in which the University of Banja Luka participated since 2011. Within six (6) projects in which University of Banja Luka took part as a partner: JoinEU-SEE III, JoinEU-SEE IV, JoinEU-SEE>PENTA, EUROWEB, SUNBEAM and EUROWEB+ over 70 students and staff had the opportunity to complete a mobility period.
Students and staff of the University of Banja Luka also use other scholarship opportunities of different programs provided by government of foreign countries and international organizations and foundations.