Management and administration
The Senate

The highest academic body of the University is the Senate. At the University of Banja Luka, there are 29 members of the Senate: one representative of academic staff from each organizational unit, six student representatives, the Rector and four Vice-Rectors.
Members of the University of Banja Luka Senate are the following persons:
Professor Radoslav Gajanin, PhD, the Rector;
Professor Milica Balaban, PhD, Vice-Rector for Teaching, Student Affairs and Quality;
Professor Aleksandar Ostojić, PhD, Vice- Rector for Scientific Research and University Development;
Professor , PhD, Vice-Rector for International and Interuniversity Cooperation;
Professor Dalibor Kesić, PhD, Vice-Rector for Human and Material Resources;
Professor Dragana Purković-Macan, PhD – Academy of Arts;
Professor Saša Čvoro, PhD - Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy;
Professor Milenko Krajišnik, PhD - Faculty of Economics;
Professor Zoran Đurić, PhD – Faculty of Electrical Engineering;
Professor Darko Knežević, PhD – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering;
Professor Ranko Škrbić, PhD – Faculty of Medicine;
Professor Zlatan Kovačević, PhD – Faculty of Agriculture;
Professor Željko Mirjanić, PhD – Faculty of Law;
Professor Radoslav Dekić, PhD – Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics;
Professor Svjetlana Sredić, PhD - Faculty of Mining Engineering;
Professor Borislav Malinović, PhD - Faculty of Technology;
Professor Borko Petrović, PhD – Faculty of Physical Education and Sport;
Professor Ranka Perić-Romić, PhD – Faculty of Political Sciences;
Professor Srđan Dušanić, PhD – Faculty of Philosophy;
Professor Biljana Babić, PhD – Faculty of Philology;
Professor Vojislav Dukić, PhD – Faculty of Forestry;
Dr. Marina Antić – Institute of Genetic Resources;
Professor Predrag Ćeranić, PhD – Faculty of Security Science;
Mirjana Švraka, student;
Ana Sibinčić, student;
Milan Stupar, student;
Mateja Aleksić, student;
Đurđina Konstantinović, student;
Jovan Ćalić, student.