(1) Rulebook on Practices of the University of Banja Luka
(1.1) Rulebook on Amendments to the Rulebook on Labour of the University of Banja Luka
(2) Rulebook on Internal Organization and Systematization of Workplaces at the University of Banja Luka
(3) Rulebook on Disciplinary and Material Liability of the Employees of the University of Banja Luka
(4) Rulebook on Procedure and Conditions of Academic Rank Promotion at the University of Banja Luka
(5) Rulebook on Giving Consent to Members of Staff for Working at Another Higher Education Institution
(6) Rulebook on Sabbatical Leave
(7) Rulebook on the Procedure of Intellectual Property Copyright of the University of Banja Luka
(8) Rulebook on Publishing Trade of the University of Banja Luka
(10) Rulebook on Award Giving of the University of Banja Luka – DRAFT
(11) Rulebook on Conditions and Procedure of Professor Emeritus Rank Awarding and Rights of Its Holders
(15) Rulebook on Gaining, Distribution and Use of One’s Own Income from Grants
(16) Rulebook on Procedure of Public Purchase of Goods and Services at the University of Banja Luka
(17) Rulebook on Procedure of Public Purchase through Direct Contracting at the University of Banja Luka
(18) Rulebook on Internal Auditing and Internal Auditing Procedures
(19) Rulebook on System of Office Management and Filing at the University of Banja Luka
(20) Rulebook on Appearance, Contents and Use of the University Logo, Insignia, Flag, and Stamp
(23) Rulebook on Part-Time Studying
(24) Rulebook on Disciplinary Liability of Students of the University of Banja Luka
(25) Rulebook on Students’ Volunteering Activities Assessment
(26) Rulebook on Change of Status and Ranking of Students
(27) Rulebook on Students’ Poll on Teaching Process Quality
(29) Rulebook on Fire Protection
(30) Rulebook on Appearance, Contents, and Digital Repository of PhD Theses
(31) Rulebook on Appearance, Contents, and Digital Repository of MA Theses
(32) Rulebook on Plagiarism Check for II and III Study Cycle Students’ Final Papers
(34) Rulebook on International Staff and Students’ Exchange
(34.1) Appendices to the Rulebook on International Staff and Students’ Exchange