Rector’s note
The University of Banja Luka represents the leading higher education institution in the Republic of Srpska, with by far the longest tradition in academics’ education. It is structured according to Bologna principles, and in accordance with the declaration and legal requirements, while respecting all norms and standards related to the field of higher education.
The University has achieved an important level of development, and it includes eighteen members offering study programs at all three levels of study cycles. There is a wide range of study programs, with whose completion students acquire adequate knowledge from relevant fields. A significant array of study programs is offered to our high school students – graduates, as well as professions of the future that can be successfully acquired at our University.
The University has high quality personnel that not only successfully educates future experts in various disciplines, but also works on improving the Bologna process and integration within the European educational area. The commitments undertaken in the framework of the European Higher Education Area are successfully implemented, ensuring excellence in research and employment. The University is a member of the international associations of universities through which it participates in the process of education and exchange of scientific information.
Everyone is aware that students are an essential part of the University and we see our future in them. The students are involved in every level of decision making at the University. Students’ activities are carried out through the Students’ Parliament of the University and other students’ organizations within the members of the University. Besides teaching staff and associates employed at the University, the lectures are conducted by the teaching staff from other universities in the region and globally, providing quality education. The University participates in exchange programs for students, teachers, associates and staff. Through these programs our students have the opportunity to attend part of their lectures at other universities, and to be introduced to colleagues that come to our University from countries all around the world.
The students at the University acquire broad formal education (theoretical and practical) from a specific area, but have the opportunity to gain other informal knowledge depending on their area of interest. At our University students have the opportunity to gain and perfect skills in the area of information technology, scientific research, entrepreneurship, and rhetoric. Furthermore, foreign language classes are offered for the University students.
Students are also provided with general education, opportunity to read books at well supplied libraries of the University, partpicipate in various sports sections, cultural and artistic events, etc.
Our students have the opportunity to acquire practical knowledge in companies in the Republic of Srpska, but also in foreign companies and universities with whom we have business and signed technical cooperation agreements.
The Rector’s team supports program activities of the students that are planned on an annual basis, and which contribute to a better standard and status of students or the reputation of the University, implementation of which is real and feasible in practice.
To all of our current and future students, I wish you to become ambassadors of knowledge – our University’s graduates who will proudly emphasize with each opportunity that they are the University of Banja Luka graduates.
The University has a significant influence on the social, economic, political and cultural development of the Republic of Sprska. For 44 years of existence of the University we have educated experts in almost all areas. Academic citizens who graduated from the faculties of our University are successful and recognized for their work, and are often leaders in their professions, not only in the Republic of Srpska but beyond its borders. This has provided us with the unselfish support of the institutions of the Republic of Srpska, and a significant reputation in the regional and European academic community. The University as such has a great reputation in the Republic of Srpska and the region, and represents the first choice for obtaining a higher education diploma at all three study cycles.
Teachers, associates and students practice and insist on team work. Only with joint efforts we can contribute to the development and maintenance of the academic level at our University, not only in this area, but also in the European and world framework. Regardless of the challenges faced by higher education, the University will remain a representative and socially responsible higher education institution that is ready to take on all its obligations in the higher education system, ensuring the progress of the Republic of Srpska. The safest way for the University to fulfill the mission expected from the society is to achieve excellence in all tasks of the University. Excellence at the institutional level, the level of the University’s members, and also at the individual level, represents the answer for the challenges we continuously face. I want to emphasize that we will continue to fully encourage quality in all fields of work at the University. The basic criteria should be knowledge, success, professionalism, expertise, responsibility, competence and European standards in proposing the best in the selection of members of the academic community.
We will continue to work enthusiastically to make the University prosper in every way. I wish all the members of the academic community success in the implementation of the adopted scientific-educational tasks, which will, with additional engagement and high motivation, ensure that the University of Banja Luka becomes even a better place for studying and preparing students for future professions.
With appreciation,
University of Banja Luka
Professor Radoslav Gajanin, PhD