Норвешки програм из пољопривреде: HERD/ Agriculture
Универзитет у Бањој ЛуциОпштеКрајњи позив за радионицу: Сарајево, 05.10.2011. године
We refer to our earlier contacts. On behalf of the Executive Board of HERD/ Agriculture we are pleased to invite representatives for projects which have received support from the programme, to present project activities and progress at a workshop which will be held 05.10.2011 at the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. For workshop agenda details, see attachment: Travel & visiting schedule in B&H 04-07.10.11.doc
Some practical issues:
Project presentations: Although the workshop is open to all project partners, there can only be one speaker on each project. Each speaker gets 20 minutes for project presentation and 10 minutes for questions and brief discussions.
Efficiency: If the speakers are using Power Point or other material for their presentations, we recommend that they send their presentations by e-mail to the workshop organizer Dr. Mensur Vegara, e-mail mensur.vegara@umb.no prior to the workshop and preferably not later Monday 03.10.2011 at 12:00 p.m.
If you have any questions about the workshop programme, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to meet you and to future cooperation!
Best regards,
Mensur Vegara