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Нови приступ и методолошки изазови у јеврејским студијима

Универзитет у Бањој ЛуциОпште

Јеврејске студије и студије равноправности полова 
Нови приступ и методолошки изазови у јеврејским студијима

21-25.11.2011. године

Рок за пријаве апликација: 19. септембар 2011. године

Jewish Studies and Gender Studies
New Approaches and Methodological Challenges inJewish Studies: Critical Readings of Testimonies

November 21 - 25, 2011

(deadlinefor applications: 19th September, 2011)

ThisCRC workshop will be structured around the extensive Visual History Archive ofthe USC Shoah Foundation Institute, which contains video interviews with 52,000Holocaust survivors and other witnesses: http://www.library.ceu.hu/vha.html.

The CEULibrary has been given access to this remarkable resource, and the CRC workshopwill explore ways in which this database can be useful in designing universitycourses. Participants will be able to consult with CEU faculty in JewishStudies and Gender Studies. During the session they will also have theopportunity to use the Visual History Archive.

Thehighlight of the CRC week will be the international workshop on the topic heldon 22nd November, 2011 in the framework of celebrating the20th Anniversary of the CEU.

Universityteachers of history, sociology, Jewish studies, anthropology and gender studiesare encouraged to apply.

NOTE: applicants are requestedto submit an 800-word statement of intention on how they are planning to usethe Visual History Archive in their teaching.


AllCRC Applicants need to teach courses (at least part-time) at accredited highereducation institutions, and have good command of English, both written andspoken, to actively participate in workshops, training sessions androundtables, as well as to use resource materials available at CEU.


CRC fully funds the participation of those eligible applicants who arecitizens of our target region:former Soviet Union, Mongolia, South-Eastern Europe. Citizensof EU member states are welcome to attend our sessions but need to cover theirtravel to and accommodation in Budapest from external funding.

 CurriculumResource Session application forms, application deadlines, session schedulesand further information on the center’s outreach activities and resources maybe obtained from the CRC office at the Central European University or throughnational Soros Foundations.


Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) /Central European University

Nádor utca 9, H -1051 Budapest, Hungary;

Tel: ++ (36 - 1) 327 3189 or 327 3000;

Fax: ++ (36 -1) 327 3190

E-mail: crc@ceu.hu;

wwwaddress: www.ceu.hu/crc; http://web.ceu.hu/crc/crc_visit_upc.html

skype: currciculum.resource.center