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Хитно се тражи партнер за пројекат из области „Здравље“

Универзитет у Бањој ЛуциОпште

Хитно се тражи партнер за пројекат из области „Здравље“


Научник на истраживању аутоимуних болести у дјечијом болници „Bambino Gesu“ у Риму припрема пројекат на тему „Targeted nuclei acid delivery as an innovative therapeutic or prophylactic approach“ у области „Здравље“, и хитно треба партнера.


Додатне информације:

A senior scientist working on autoimmune diseases at Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù in Rome is planning to submit a proposal  whose aim is to exploit the use of nanocarriers in the treatment of autoimmune syndromes.

The proposal will be submitted under the topic "HEALTH.2012.1.4-4.  Targeted nuclei acid delivery as an innovative therapeutic or prophylactic approach".

We need to include in the Consortium a SME whose task will be the selection of preliposomal formulations and conjugation with monoclonal antibodies of antisense oligonucleotides-liposomal complexes together with other participants.

We also require a toxicological expertise to define the studies that will be necessary, in addition to previously established, before entering human clinical trials.


For any comment or request of clairification, feel free to contact me anytime:

Nicola Bergonzi

Grant and Technology Transfer Office

Direzione Scientifica

Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù

Viale Ferdinando Baldelli, 41

00146  -  Roma  -  Italy

Tel. +39.06.6859.2496 / 2277

Fax +39.06.6859.2101

e.mail nicola.bergonzi@opbg.net; GrantOfficeOPBG@opbg.net;
website: www.ospedalebambinogesu.it