Sector for Material-Financial affairs
When the University of Banja Luka was integrated, the need arose to organise a unit that would be in charge of material and financial affairs. Accordingly, the Division of Material and Financial Affairs was established within the Rectorate in 2008, which has functioned as such up until today. The main task of this division is to create optimal material and financial prerequisites for all organisational units to operate efficiently, in order to fulfil the mission of the integrated University of Banja Luka. In fulfilling the planned mission, the Division of Material and Financial Affairs:
1. performs material and financial tasks in a planned and organised manner at the level of members and the University as a whole;
2. establishes and continuously strengthens cooperation in the field of financing with the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Srpska;
3. on the basis of new, or amendments to the existing laws and regulations, proposes harmonisation of the existing or adoption of new enactments which regulate in more detail the issues of material and financial operations of the University and its members;
4. undertakes activities on the establishment, development and implementation of financial management and control systems at all levels of organisation at the University;
5. with full implementation and unification of the Financial Information Management System (FIMS) and Centralised Payroll System (CPS) constantly raises the level of efficiency in the work in this area and strengthens the control mechanisms at the University level;
6. calculates and pays all types of remuneration to employees of the University and those engaged by the University, i.e., salaries, contractual fees, royalties, grants, rewards, transportation etc.;
7. by organising thematic workshops, continuously educates all employees in the field of finances and accounting and public procurement at the University;
8. prepares the financial plan of the University and is in charge of its implementation;
9. delivers annual financial statements of the University;
10. prepares and implements the public procurement plan of the University by conducting public procurement procedures at all organisational levels at the University, in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Rulebook on Public Procurement at the University of Banja Luka, taking into account the specifics of individual members and contractual obligations through international and domestic research projects, grants and/or donations;
11. is in charge of implementing the activities concerning the repair of dilapidated installations (heating, plumbing, electrical, sewage) according to priorities, which significantly reduces overhead costs and prevents damage. The
Division consists of 32 people, who work in three departments:
• Material Affairs Department;
• Finance Department and
• Accounting Department.
The Division of Material and Financial Affairs is managed by the Financial Director of the University of Banja Luka. This managerial function was titled director-manager from 2008 to 2012, and financial director as of 2012. Duško Lazić has been in this position since its establishment.
Duško Lazić
Financial Director
Phone: +387 51 326 001
E-mail: dusko.lazic@unibl.org
Marina Višković
Head of the Department for Material affairs
Phone: +387 51 326 004
E-mail: marina.viskovic@unibl.org
Svetislav Jokić
Head of the Service for finance and accounting
Phone: +387 51 326 003
E-mai: svetislav.jokic@unibl.org
Mirjana Vrhovac
Head Accountant
Phone: +387 51 326 006
E-mail: mirjana.vrhovac@unibl.org
Brankica Kajkut
Administration-technical secretary
Phone: +387 51 326 000
E-mail: bogdanka.gvozden@unibl.org
Lazarela Travar
Senior Associate for maintenance
Phone: +387 51 326 010
E-mail: lazarela.travar@unibl.org
Ana Baroš
Senior Associate for procurement affairs
Phone: +387 51 326 009
E-mail: ana.baros@unibl.org
Vladana Pećo
Senior Associate for procurement affairs
Phone: +387 51 326 009
E-mail: vladana.peco@unibl.org
Tanja Babić
Senior Associate for procurement affairs
Phone: +387 51 326 008
E-mail: tanja.babic@unibl.org
Dijana Kesić
Senior Associate for procurement affairs
Phone: +387 51 326 008
E-mail: dijana.kesic@unibl.org
Nikola Bulović
Associate for procurement affairs
Phone: +387 51 326 017
E-mail: nikola.bulovic@unibl.org
Aleksandra Ninković
Senior Associate for procurement affairs
Phone: +387 51 326 009
E-mail: aleksandra.ninkovic@unibl.org
Danijela Stević
Senior Associate for approving payments
Phone: +387 51 326 005
E-mail: danijela.stevic@unibl.org
Nataša Sukara-Đurica
Controller of input documents
Phone: +387 51 326 003
E-mail: natasa.sukara-djurica@unibl.org
Aleksandra Regojević
Senior Associate for accounting and financial affairs
Phone: +387 51 326 012
E-mail: aleksandra.regojevic@unibl.org
Nevena Rogić
Officer for calculating personal income
Phone: +387 51 326 021
E-mail: nevena.rogic@unibl.org
Slavica Spasojević
Officer for calculating personal income
Phone: +387 51 326 021
E-mail: slavica.spasojevic@unibl.org
Branka Popović
Officer for calculating personal income
Telefon: +387 51 326 021
E-pošta: nevena.rogic@unibl.org
Velimir Balaban
Officer for entering data in the SUFI System
Phone: +387 51 326 113
E-mail: velimir.balaban@unibl.org
Mirjana Piljagić
Officer for entering data in the SUFI System
Phone: +387 51 326 013
E-mail: mirjana.piljagic@unibl.org
Mihajlo Alavuković
Officer for entering data in the SUFI System
Phone:+387 51 326 012
E-mail: mihajlo.alavukovic@unibl.org
Radana Šukalo
Officer for entering data in the SUFI System
Phone: +387 51 326 005
E-mail: radana.sukalo@unibl.org
Bojan Gostić
Senior Associate – financial accountant
Phone: +387 51 326 006
E-mail: bojan.gostic@unibl.org
Maja Vučen
Senior Associate – financial accountant
Phone: +387 51 326 015
E-mail: maja.karalic@unibl.org
Nemanja Čavić
Senior Associate for plan and analysis
Phone: +387 51 326 022
E-mail: nemanja.cavic@unibl.org
Sanja Bogdan
Accountant for basic funds
Phone: +387 51 326 023
E-mail: sanja.bogdan@unibl.org
Marko Miljuš
Associate for accounting and financial affairs
Phone: +387 51 326 018
E-mail: marko.miljus@unibl.org
Radmila Đurašinović
Officer for financial operational activities
Phone: +387 51 326 018
E-mail: radmila.djurasinovic@unibl.org
Nevenka Modrušan
Phone: +387 51 326 024