Office of the Vice-Rector for Human and Material Resources
The University of Banja Luka is increasing the number of full-time employees every year, and at the same time is reducing the number of external professors. Professors, teaching assistants and administrative staff of the University of Banja Luka adhere to the high ethical standards: openness, dignity, honesty, fairness, tolerance and responsibility in the academic, moral and social field.
On 1 November 1975, the date on which the University was constituted, the staff composition comprised 149 professors and 100 other employees. The composition (qualification and academic title) of the teaching staff was as follows: 25 doctors of science, 32 masters of science and 4 residents. In 1985, there were 153 professors and 91 teaching assistants on fulltime work at the faculties and colleges of the University of Banja Luka, while 82 professors and 41 teaching assistants had outside employment contracts. At the beginning of the academic year 1995-96, there were 69 professors, 69 assistant professors, 52 senior teaching assistants and 58 teaching assistants on full-time work. A total of 351 professors and teaching assistants were employed on part-time work. In the academic year 2005-06, a total of 1 028 professors and teaching assistants took part in the teaching process and scientific research, 845 of whom were full-time employees.
In 2015, a total of 784 full-time professors and teaching assistants were engaged by the University of Banja Luka: 114 full professors, 140 associate professors, 185 assistant professors, 243 senior teaching assistants, 86 teaching assistants, 6 art associates, 3 foreign language teachers and 7 foreign-language instructors. 459 external professors and teaching staff were engaged in teaching, 170 of whom worked under an outside employment contract, 168 visiting professors from abroad and 121 expert associates for carrying out the clinical practice. The number of those who took part in the teaching process was 1 243, while administrative and technical support was provided by 35 expert associates, 47 laboratory technicians and 476 administrative staff.
In the academic year 2019-20, a total of 789 professors and teaching assistants were full-time employees: 164 full professors, 204 associate professors, 153 assistant professors, 200 senior teaching assistants, 59 teaching assistants, 7 foreign language teachers and 2 foreign- language instructors. In addition, 131 professors and teaching staff were engaged in teaching under an outside employment contract, as well as 138 visiting professors and teaching assistants and 125 expert associates for carrying out the clinical practice. 1 183 external professors and teaching staff were engaged in teaching, while 45 expert associates, 51 laboratory technicians and 577 administrative staff were in charge of the administrative and technical support.
Compared to the period between 2015 and 2020, there are 5 more full-time professors and teaching assistants at the University of Banja Luka. The number of full professors increased by 50, the number of associate professors by 64, foreign language teachers by 4, while the number of assistant professors decreased by 32, senior teaching assistants by 43, teaching assistants by 27 and foreign-language instructors by 5.
Most of the full professors are currently working at the Academy of Arts (24), the Faculty of Medicine (19) and the Faculty of Philology (16). Most of the associate professors are working at the Faculty of Philosophy (30), the Faculty of Science (24) and the Academy of Arts (21). Most assistant professors are at the Faculty of Medicine (19), the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (18) and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (16). Many of the senior teaching assistants are working at the Faculty of Medicine (27), the Faculty of Philology (25) and the Faculty of Science (24), while most of the teaching assistants are at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (12), the Academy of Arts (9) and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (7).
Most faculties of the University of Banja Luka have a significantly greater number of full-time teaching staff compared to the external professors and teaching assistants engaged. The Faculty of Medicine has a great number of external professors and teaching assistants due to the clinical practice that needs to be carried out.
To have all the processes related to the staff policy carried out smoothly, the vice-rector for human and material resources coordinates the work of the Office; proposes and implements activities related to human resources of the University; analyses the use of human and material resources; proposes measures for greater utilisation of human and material resources; monitors and coordinates all activities related to the procedures for selecting candidates for the respective academic titles; and takes part in creating and proposing the University’s financing and investment policy.
The University of Banja Luka is committed to becoming an attractive employer in order to attract highly qualified academic staff with international verification and to retain the existing academic staff that can meet future challenges and requirements. Competencies of professors and teaching assistants can be improved by their participating in international or domestic projects, as well as staying at leading teaching and research institutions in the world. As much as it can, the University of Banja Luka provides support to the younger staff, in particular, to spend some time abroad so as to get advanced training.
It is necessary to establish an efficient system for improving the staff composition, which means retaining existing and recruiting new staff with recognised international references, as well as maintaining a policy of equality in the recruitment process, based on criteria of quality, talent and ability.
The staff policy of the University of Banja Luka is to endeavour to have an optimal number of staff in the teaching process and implementing the research projects, which would increase the quality of the teaching process and ensure efficiency in research. Furthermore, the goal is to make all the study programmes sustainable with more than half of its own staff and continue to bring in new blood among the teaching and research staff as well as to increase the share of young and promising teaching assistants in the total number of newly elected teaching staff.
The Office for Human and Material Resources falls within the competence of the vice-rector for human and material resources. In addition to the vice-rector, the Office has one employee a senior expert associate for human and material resources.
Professor Dalibor Kesić, PhD
Vice-Rector for Human and Material Resources
Phone: +387 51 321 178
E-mail: dalibor.kesic@unibl.org
Tatjana Marić, MA
Senior Associate for Human and Material Resources
Phone: +387 51 321 180
E-mail: kadrovi@unibl.rs