Romanela Lajić
viši asistent
051/221-824 | |
Katedre |
Uža naučna/umjetnička oblast | Zvanje | Datum izbora u zvanje |
Opšta elektrotehnika | viši asistent | December 25, 2024 |
Elektrotehnički fakultet
Akademske studije prvog ciklusa |
Radovi u časopisima
Generative neural network models for synthetic solar irradiance sequences
DOI | 10.1063/5.0219923 |
Godina | 2024 |
Autori | Romanela Lajić, Darko Divnić, Vladimir Risojević, and Dragoljub Mirjanić |
Volumen | 16 |
Broj | 5 |
Strana od | 053501 |
Veb adresa | https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0219923 |
Speed Control of BLDC Motor with Ripple Effect Reduction Using Recurrent Wavelet Neural Networks
DOI | 10.7251/IJEEC2202057L |
Časopis | International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computing |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Romanela Lajić and Petar Matić |
Volumen | 6 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 57 |
Strana do | 64 |
Radovi sa skupova
Modelling of Saturation in a Single Phase Transformer by Using Instantaneous Saturation Curve
Naučni skup | XV International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - INDEL 2024 |
Godina | 2024 |
Autori | Dajana Dimitrić, Romanela Lajić, and Petar Matić |
Digital Position Control System With a BLDC Motor Using Field Oriented Control
Naučni skup | 2023 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH) |
DOI | 10.1109/INFOTEH57020.2023.10094070 |
Publikacija | IEEE |
Godina | 2023 |
Autori | Romanela Lajić and Petar Matić |
Generating Synthetic Hourly Solar Radiation Sequences Using Generative Adversarial Networks
Naučni skup | International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2021 |
Publikacija | Proceedings of the 30th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2021 |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Romanela Lajić, Čedomir Zeljković, and Vladimir Risojević |
Strana od | 193 |
Strana do | 196 |
Veb adresa | https://erk.fe.uni-lj.si/2021/program.php |
Digitalno upravljanje elektromotornim pogonom sa BLDC motorom
Naučni skup | 2021 20th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH) |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Romanela Lajić |
Obrada signala na racunarskim arhitekturama visokih performansi
Project Number | 1255041 |
Status | Aktivan |
Type of project | Medjunarodni naucnoistrazivacki - Ostali |
Organizational unit | Elektrotehnicki fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Mitar Simic |
Participants |
Dajana Dimitric Vedran Jovanovic, ma prof. dr Vladimir Risojevic Romanela Lajic prof. dr Zdenka Babic doc. dr Slavica Gajic Milan Medic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj i visoko obarzovanje Republike Srpske |
Beginning of realization | 2024-01-01 |
End of the project | 2025-12-31 |
Project value | 3600.0 BAM |
Metodi za analizu signala zasnovani na masinskom ucenju
Project Number | 1255042 |
Status | Aktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Elektrotehnicki fakultet |
Head | doc. dr Slavica Gajic |
Participants |
Romanela Lajic prof. dr Zdenka Babic prof. dr Vladimir Risojevic Milan Medic Vedran Jovanovic, ma Dajana Dimitric Velibor Djalic, ma prof. dr Mitar Simic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj i visoko obarzovanje Republike Srpske |
Beginning of realization | 2024-01-01 |
End of the project | 2025-01-31 |
Project value | 4000.0 BAM |
Masinsko ucenje u rubnom racunarstvu
Project Number | 1255028 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Medjunarodni naucnoistrazivacki - Ostali |
Organizational unit | Elektrotehnicki fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Vladimir Risojevic |
Participants |
prof. dr Zdenka Babic Vanja Kitic prof. dr Mitar Simic doc. dr Slavica Gajic Romanela Lajic Vladan Stojnic Vedran Jovanovic, ma |
Beginning of realization | 2021-06-01 |
End of the project | 2024-03-06 |
Project value | 4000.0 BAM |