
prof. dr Tatjana Bijelić
redovni profesor

Nastavnik - II-4
Filološki fakultet
lokal 133
  • Filološki fakultet - Katedra za anglistiku
Uža naučna/umjetnička oblast Zvanje Datum izbora u zvanje
Specifične književnosti – angloamerička književnost redovni profesor November 29, 2018


Filološki fakultet

Akademske studije drugog ciklusa Akademske studije prvog ciklusa Akademske studije trećeg ciklusa


Radovi u časopisima

    "Between Homeland and Hostland: Women Migrants' Agency in US Post-Yugoslav Novels"

    Časopis Twentieth-Century Literature
    Godina 2019
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Volumen 65
    Broj 1-2
    Strana od 97
    Strana do 120
    Veb adresa

    "Transnacionalni modeli kontekstualizacije savremene ženske književnosti u dijaspori"

    Godina 2017
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Broj 17
    Strana od 93
    Strana do 112

    "Mother-child bonding and spatial androgyny in the film adaptation of Emma Donoghue's novel Room"

    Časopis Istraživanja
    Godina 2017
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Broj 12
    Strana od 115
    Strana do 129

    ”Uspostavljanje ravnoteže: matrifokalne teme u poeziji Tanje Stupar Trifunović i Aleksandre Čvorović”

    Časopis Književna istorija
    Godina 2017
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Volumen XLIX
    Broj 162
    Strana od 37
    Strana do 54

    "Out of That Hole: Reflections of the Demetrian Myth in Six Contemporary Poems"

    Časopis ZBORNIK RADOVA FILOZOFSKOG FAKULTETA, Univerzitet u Prištini
    Godina 2017
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Volumen XLVII
    Broj 3
    Strana od 1
    Strana do 18

    "Quests for Female Genealogies in Contemporary Women's Writing"

    Časopis Lipar
    Godina 2017
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Broj 63
    Strana od 125
    Strana do 140

    "Burying the Diplomat Father: Shifting ex-Yugoslav Spaces in Yelena Franklin's A Bowl of Sour Cherry"

    Godina 2016
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Broj 15
    Strana od 81
    Strana do 95

    Maskiranje kao Transformatrica: nadilaženje binarnosti u poeziji Patience Agbabi

    Časopis Tvrđa
    Godina 2015
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Strana od 279
    Strana do 288

    "There was no background music": Home and Adjustment in Nadja Tesich's To Die in Chicago

    Časopis Nasleđe
    Godina 2015
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Broj 32
    Strana od 161
    Strana do 170

    ”Poezija kroz prizmu roda”

    Časopis Slovesa
    Godina 2005
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Strana od 296
    Strana do 305

    "Poezija Rut Fejnlajt: primjer otpora prema kategorisanju u savremenoj britanskoj poeziji"

    Časopis Slovesa
    Godina 2004
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Strana od 124
    Strana do 133

    "Postmodernism as Fusion and Flux of Realities"

    Časopis RADOVI časopis za humanističke i društvene nauke
    Godina 2004
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Strana od 185
    Strana do 197

Radovi sa skupova

    Transformative Power of Exophonic Writing in Contemporary Poetry in English

    Naučni skup Transformation: Nature and Economy in Modern English and American Culture
    Godina 2019
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Finding voice in another tongue: contemporary East European poetry of displacement"

    Naučni skup Poetry Between Creation and Interpretation
    Godina 2019
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Spatial androgyny and remnants of patriarchy: mother-child bonding in the film adaptation of Emma Donoghue's novel Room"

    Naučni skup Canada 150 Filmed - 8th International Conference Organized by SACS and the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade
    Godina 2017
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Burying the Diplomat Father: Shifting Ex-Yugoslav Spaces in Yelena Franklin's A Bowl of Sour Cherries"

    Naučni skup Writing Places: The Conceptualisation and Representation of Space, Location and Environment in Literature
    Godina 2016
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Othering Another Half: No Place for Women Authors in Traditional Reading Lists"

    Naučni skup 1st CEEC-China Literary Forum
    Godina 2016
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Transnacionalni modeli kontekstualizacije savremene ženske književnosti u dijaspori"

    Naučni skup Šta je knjiženstvo?
    Godina 2015
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "'A part of me always escaped'...: Representations of Mothers and Daughters in Post-Yugoslav Writing in English"

    Naučni skup The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900
    Godina 2015
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Transportable geographies in Emma Donoghue's Landing"

    Naučni skup Canada in Short: Contemporary Canada in Short Fiction
    Godina 2015
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Sisters and solid foundations: reinventing alternative spaces in Courtney Angela Brkic's The First Rule of Swimming"

    Naučni skup Critical and Comparative Perspectives on American Studies
    Godina 2014
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Crafts of Canon-Making: patriarchal appropriation of literary works in formal education"

    Naučni skup Italianistica 2.0
    Godina 2014
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Transitional Othering of (M)Other: Disrupted Motherlines in Post-Yugoslav Prose by Women"

    Naučni skup Strangers, Aliens and Foreigners, 5th Global Conference, Inter-Disciplinary.Net
    Godina 2013
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Fluidity of Re-Quest in Contemporary Women's Writing"

    Naučni skup Visions and Revisions: Mapping the World of Anglo-American Studies at the Turn of the Century
    Godina 2013
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Past But Traumatic: Creative writing spaces in the land of no courses"

    Naučni skup Great Writing: The International Creative Writing Conference
    Godina 2012
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Exploring Conventions of Matrilineal Quests in Contemporary Literature"

    Naučni skup 8th International Conference on English Language and Literary Studies,
    Godina 2012
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    „Žene kao književni subjekti“

    Naučni skup Rodna pitanja i akademska zajednica: razmjena iskustava Španije i Bosne i Hercegovine
    Godina 2011
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Exile and Melancholia in Postwar Poetry in Bosnia and Herzegovina"

    Naučni skup Poetry and Melancholia Conference
    Godina 2011
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Authenticity and Otherness in Contemporary Poetry"

    Naučni skup Facing the Other in the Absence of Theory
    Godina 2010
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Dreaming of Canada: An Illustration of Happy Mediation versus Identity Crisis"

    Naučni skup Managing Diversity and Social Cohesion: The Canadian Experience
    Godina 2009
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Iven Boland između kanona i tradicije"

    Naučni skup Tradicija i savremenost
    Godina 2004
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

Ostali radovi

    "Prizivanje okomitog okeana: ekopoetičke ekspedicije u poeziji Margaret Atwood"

    Izdavač Sveučilište u Zadru
    Godina 2023
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Exophonic Ecopoetics as a Transformative Force: Concepts and Illustrations"

    Izdavač Croatian Association for American Studies, FF press
    ISSN/ISBN 1849-6180
    Godina 2020
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Strana od 45
    Strana do 67

    "Skupljačice svjetla: duhovnost pozajmljenih tijela u poeziji Carol Ann Duffy"

    Izdavač FCJK
    Godina 2019
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Strana od 1
    Strana do 19

    Transcending Borders and Binaries: New Insights into Language, Literature, and Culture

    Izdavač Filološki fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci
    ISSN/ISBN 978-99955-58-39-0
    Godina 2018
    Autori Petar Penda, Tatjana Bijelić, and Željka Babić

    "Challenging Concepts and Redefining Boundaries in Literary and Linguistic Studies"

    Izdavač Filološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci
    Godina 2018
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić, Petar Penda, and Željka Babić
    Strana od 7
    Strana do 18

    Rethinking Tradition in English Language and Literary Studies

    Izdavač . Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
    ISSN/ISBN 987-1-4438-3178-9
    Godina 2017
    Autori Petar Penda, Tatjana Bijelić, and Željka Babić

    "Introduction to Rethinking Tradition"

    Izdavač Cambridge Scholars Publishing
    Godina 2017
    Autori Željka Babić, Tatjana Bijelić, and Petar Penda
    Strana od vii
    Strana do xiv

    "Retrospektivno uklapanje: rana poezija Margaret Atvud"

    Izdavač Kuća poezije
    Godina 2017
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Transportable Geographies in Emma Donoghue's Landing"

    Godina 2017
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Sisters and Solid Foundations: Reinventing Alternative Spaces in Courtney Angela Brkic's The First Rule of Swimming"

    Izdavač Cambridge Scholars Publishing
    Godina 2016
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Strana od 54
    Strana do 68

    Going Against the Grain: Essays on Literary and Language Studies

    Izdavač Filološki fakultet
    ISSN/ISBN 978-99955-58-24-6.
    Godina 2014
    Autori Petar Penda, Tatjana Bijelić, and Željka Babić

    "Transnational Othering of (M)Other: Disrupted Motherlines in Post-Yugoslav Prose by Women"

    Izdavač Inter-Disciplinary Press
    Godina 2014
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Strana od 35
    Strana do 45

    "Reclaiming Lost Stars: Contemporary Female Voices from Bosnia"

    Izdavač Cambridge Scholars Publishing
    Godina 2012
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    “’It’s a Shame to without an Attitude.’ A View on Cutting-edge Poetry from Bosnia.”

    Izdavač Cambridge Scholars Publishing
    Godina 2012
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    "Multiple Identities and Female Creativity in Margaret Atwood’s Lady Oracle"

    Godina 2011
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    “Authenticity and Otherness in Contemporary Poetry.”

    Izdavač Cambridge Scholars Publishing
    Godina 2011
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    “Dreaming of Canada. An Illustration of Happy Mediation versus Immigrant Pain”

    Izdavač Masaryk University
    Godina 2010
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    “Re/Construction of Female Spiritual Powers in the Poems of Several Contemporary Women Poets.”

    Izdavač Faculty of Philosophy
    Godina 2010
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    “Feminist Mother, Silent Daughter. Motherline Discontinuities in Carol Shields’ Unless"

    Izdavač Faculty of Philology
    Godina 2009
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić

    “(Ne)vidljivost žene kao pjesničkog subjekta”

    Izdavač FILUM
    Godina 2009
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić


    Exophones - A Collection of Students' Poetry in English (ed.)

    Izdavač University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Philology
    ISBN 978-99955-58-84-0
    Godina 2022
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Tip knjige ostale nastavne publikacije

    Beyond Hermeneutics: Challenging Traditional Approaches to Literary and Linguistic Studies

    Izdavač Filološki fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci
    ISBN 978-99955-58-65-9
    Godina 2020
    Autori Petar Penda, Željka Babić, and Tatjana Bijelić
    Tip knjige ostale naučne publikacije
    Broj strana 214

    Dickinsonian Intonations in Modern Poetry

    Izdavač University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Philology
    ISBN 978-99955-58-45-1
    Godina 2018
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Tip knjige naučna knjiga

    Savremena angloamerička poezija: ideologija, mit, ispovijest

    Izdavač Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Filološki fakultet
    ISBN 978-99955-58-43-7
    Godina 2018
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić, Petar Penda, and Aleksandra Nikčević Batričević
    Tip knjige naučna knjiga

    Transcending Borders and Binaries: New Insights into Language, Literature, and Culture

    Izdavač University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Philology
    ISBN 978-99955-58-39-0
    Godina 2018
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić, Petar Penda, and Željka Babić
    Tip knjige naučna knjiga

    Rethinking Tradition in English Language and Literary Studies

    Izdavač Cambridge Scholars Publishing
    ISBN ISBN (10): 1-4438-3178-6
    Godina 2017
    Autori Željka Babić, Tatjana Bijelić, and Petar Penda
    Tip knjige naučna knjiga

    Going Against the Grain: Essays on Literary and Language Studies

    Izdavač Filološki fakultet
    ISBN 978-99955-58-24-6
    Godina 2014
    Autori Petar Penda, Željka Babić, and Tatjana Bijelić
    Tip knjige ostale naučne publikacije
    Broj strana 321

    Matrilinijske relacije u prozi Margaret Atvud

    Izdavač Filološki fakultet, Banja Luka (Art Print)
    ISBN 978-99955-58-11-6
    Godina 2012
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Tip knjige naučna knjiga
    Broj strana 299

    Modernisation of Literary and Cultural Studies

    Izdavač University of Banja Luka and University of Montenegro
    ISBN 978-86-7798-071-9
    Godina 2011
    Autori Petar Penda and Tatjana Bijelić
    Tip knjige ostale naučne publikacije
    Broj strana 165

    Osam savremenih britanskih pjesnika

    Izdavač Zadužbina Petar Kočić, Banja Luka - Beograd
    ISBN 978-99955-31-11-9
    Godina 2009
    Autori Tatjana Bijelić
    Tip knjige ostale nastavne publikacije
    Broj strana 261


Poetika nekanonske engleske knjizevnosti 20. vijeka

Project Number 1251308
Status Neaktivan
Type of project Medjunarodni naucnoistrazivacki - Ostali
Organizational unit Filoloski fakultet
Head prof. dr Petar Penda
Participants prof. dr Tatjana Bijelic
mr Andrijana Stokic Penda
Nicholas Birns
dr Ognjen Kurtes
Wim Mierlo-Van
Tijana Popovic, ma
Aleksandra Batricevic Nikcevic
Business Partner Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo
Beginning of realization 2020-01-01
End of the project 2024-09-20
Project value 17500.0 BAM

Tekstualna strana neprijateljstva: percepcija govora mrznje kod studenata u Bosni i Hercegovini i Sloveniji

Project Number 1251602
Status Aktivan
Type of project Medjunarodni naucnoistrazivacki - Ostali
Organizational unit Filoloski fakultet
Head prof. dr Petar Penda
Participants Tijana Popovic, ma
prof. dr Zeljka Babic
prof. dr Tatjana Bijelic
Business Partner Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj i visoko obarzovanje Republike Srpske
Beginning of realization 2019-01-01
End of the project 2019-12-31
Project value 4000.0 BAM