Đorđe Lekić, ma
viši asistent
Saradnik - II-5
Elektrotehnički fakultet
051/221-820 |
Katedre |
Uža naučna/umjetnička oblast | Zvanje | Datum izbora u zvanje |
Elektroenergetika | viši asistent | December 22, 2022 |
Elektrotehnički fakultet
Akademske studije drugog ciklusa | Akademske studije prvog ciklusa |
Radovi u časopisima
Analysis of the Magnetic Field and Attractive Force of the Electromagnetic Separator Using the Finite Element Method
DOI | https://doi.org/10.46793/EEE23-4.18D |
Godina | 2023 |
Autori | Željko Despotović and Đorđe Lekić |
Volumen | 25 |
Broj | 4 |
Strana od | 18 |
Strana do | 27 |
Veb adresa | https://doi.ub.kg.ac.rs/doi/casopisi/energija-ekonomija-ekologija/10-46793-eee23-4-18d/ |
Optimal sizing of photovoltaic-wind-diesel-battery power supply for mobile telephony base stations
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.122545 |
Časopis | ENERGY |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Čedomir Zeljković, Predrag Mršić, Bojan Erceg, Đorđe Lekić, Nemanja Kitić, and Petar Matić |
Volumen | 242 |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 16 |
Veb adresa | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360544221027948 |
Optimization of multiphase single-layer winding end-connections by differential evolution
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-022-01498-4 |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Slobodan Vukosavić |
Volumen | 104 |
Strana od | 2589 |
Strana do | 2602 |
Veb adresa | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00202-022-01498-4 |
Computationally Efficient Steady-state Finite Element Simulation of Multiphase PM AC Machines
DOI | 10.1049/iet-epa.2019.0922 |
Godina | 2020 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Slobodan Vukosavić |
Volumen | 14 |
Broj | 7 |
Strana od | 1228 |
Strana do | 1237 |
Veb adresa | https://ietresearch.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1049/iet-epa.2019.0922 |
Generalized Approach for Fault Detection in Medium Voltage Distribution Networks Based on Magnetic Field Measurement
DOI | 10.1109/TPWRD.2019.2935572 |
Godina | 2020 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić, Predrag Mršić, Bojan Erceg, Čedomir Zeljković, Nemanja Kitić, and Petar Matić |
Volumen | 35 |
Broj | 3 |
Strana od | 1189 |
Strana do | 1199 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8801855 |
Probabilistic Techno-Economic Optimization in Medium Voltage Distribution Networks with Fault Passage Indicators and Fault Locators
DOI | 10.7251/ELS1822080M |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Predrag Mršić, Đorđe Lekić, Bojan Erceg, Čedomir Zeljković, Petar Matić, Siniša Zubić, and Przemyslaw Balcerek |
Volumen | 22 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 80 |
Strana do | 92 |
Veb adresa | http://els-journal.etf.unibl.org/journal/Vol22No2/xPaper_02.pdf |
Finite Element Design of Rotor Permanent Magnet Flux Switching Machine with Arbitrary Slot, Pole and Phase Combinations
DOI | 10.7251/ELS1822093L |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Slobodan Vukosavić |
Volumen | 22 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 93 |
Strana do | 104 |
Veb adresa | http://els-journal.etf.unibl.org/journal/Vol22No2/xPaper_03.pdf |
Split Ratio Optimization of High Torque Density PM BLDC Machines Considering Copper Loss Density Limitation and Stator Slot Leakage
DOI | 10.1016/j.ijepes.2018.02.029 |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Slobodan Vukosavić |
Volumen | 100C |
Strana od | 231 |
Strana do | 239 |
Veb adresa | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014206151733017X |
Thermal Protection of Vector Controlled IM Drive Based on DC Current Injection
DOI | DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2014.2354015 |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Petar Matić, Marko Gecić, Đorđe Lekić, and Darko Marčetić |
Volumen | 62 |
Broj | 4 |
Strana od | 2082 |
Strana do | 2089 |
Veb adresa | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6891209/ |
Radovi sa skupova
Comparative Analysis of Traditional Fractional Slot and Vernier RPMFS Machines
Naučni skup | XV International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - INDEL 2024 |
DOI | 10.1109/INDEL62640.2024.10772682 |
Publikacija | 2024 XV International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (INDEL) |
Godina | 2024 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Slobodan Vukosavić |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 6 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10772682 |
Scripting Approach for 3D FEM Analysis of PMSMs
Naučni skup | 23rd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 20-22 March 2024 |
DOI | 10.1109/INFOTEH60418.2024.10495933 |
Publikacija | 23rd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 20-22 March 2024 |
Godina | 2024 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Slobodan Vukosavić |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 6 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10495933 |
Novel Approach for Estimating Slot Filling Factor in FEA Based Design of Electrical Machines
Naučni skup | XIV International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - INDEL 2022 |
DOI | 10.1109/INDEL55690.2022.9965520 |
Publikacija | XIV International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - INDEL 2022 |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Slobodan Vukosavić |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 6 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9965520 |
Cost Effectiveness of Standalone Hybrid Power Supplies at Different Locations across Europe
Naučni skup | 57th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2022) |
DOI | 10.1109/UPEC55022.2022.9917974 |
Publikacija | 57th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2022), Istanbul, Turkey, August 30 - September 02 |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Čedomir Zeljković, Predrag Mršić, Bojan Erceg, Đorđe Lekić, Nemanja Kitić, and Petar Matić |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 6 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9917974 |
Real-Time Sag Estimation of Overhead Power Lines Based on Approximate Magnetic Field Model
Naučni skup | 2022 21st International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA |
DOI | 10.1109/INFOTEH53737.2022.9751249 |
Publikacija | Proc. of 2022 21st International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH) |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Nemanja Kitić, Petar Matić, Đorđe Lekić, Predrag Mršić, Bojan Erceg, Čedomir Zeljković, and Vanja Starčević |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9751249 |
Design and Verification of 22kW / 220Vdc Electromagnet for Separation of Steel Parts from Coal on Conveyor Belts for Delivery
Naučni skup | 2022 21st International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA |
DOI | 10.1109/INFOTEH53737.2022.9751300 |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Željko Despotović, Borko Čupić, and Đorđe Lekić |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 6 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9751300 |
Probabilistic Techno-Economic Assessment of Wind-PV-Diesel-Battery Power Supplies for Mobile Telephony Base Stations
Naučni skup | 2020 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - INDEL 2020 |
DOI | 10.1109/INDEL50386.2020.9266142 |
Publikacija | Proc. of 2020 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - INDEL 2020, Banja Luka, November 4-6 |
Godina | 2020 |
Autori | Čedomir Zeljković, Predrag Mršić, Bojan Erceg, Đorđe Lekić, Nemanja Kitić, Petar Matić, and Teodora Soimosan |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9266142 |
Laboratory Setup for Fault Detection on Overhead Power Lines Based on Magnetic Field Measurement
Naučni skup | 2020 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - INDEL 2020 |
DOI | 10.1109/INDEL50386.2020.9266258 |
Publikacija | Proc. of 2020 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - INDEL 2020, Banja Luka, November 4-6 |
Godina | 2020 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić, Predrag Mršić, Bojan Erceg, Čedomir Zeljković, Nemanja Kitić, and Petar Matić |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 6 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9266258 |
A Monte Carlo Simulation Platform for Studying the Behavior of Wind-PV-Diesel-Battery Powered Mobile Telephony Base Stations
Naučni skup | The 16th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS 2020) |
DOI | 10.1109/PMAPS47429.2020.9183576 |
Publikacija | 2020 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), Liege, Belgium, August 18-21 |
Godina | 2020 |
Autori | Čedomir Zeljković, Predrag Mršić, Bojan Erceg, Đorđe Lekić, Nemanja Kitić, Petar Matić, and Teodora Soimosan |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 6 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9183576 |
Control Methods for Efficiency Optimization of Electrical Drives: Present Trends and Perspectives (invited paper)
Naučni skup | Small System Simulation Symposium |
Publikacija | Proceedings of 8th Small System Simulation symposium 2020 |
Godina | 2020 |
Autori | Branko Blanuša, Đorđe Lekić, and Predrag Mršić |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 8 |
Veb adresa | http://ssss.elfak.rs/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/1.pdf |
Projektovanje pasivnog kompenzatora neaktivne snage industrijskog potrošača
Naučni skup | IV naučno-stručni simpozijum Energetska efikasnost - ENEF 2019 |
Publikacija | IV naučno-stručni simpozijum Energetska efikasnost - ENEF 2019 |
Godina | 2019 |
Autori | Predrag Mršić, Nemanja Kitić, Bojan Erceg, Đorđe Lekić, Čedomir Zeljković, and Petar Matić |
Strana od | 79 |
Strana do | 83 |
Veb adresa | http://enef.etfbl.net/2019/resources/ENEF_2019_Rad_D2.pdf |
Polumosni rezonantni PWM energetski pretvarač za amplitudsko-frekventnu kontrolu vibracionih dodavača
Naučni skup | 34. savetovanje CIGRE Srbija |
Publikacija | 34. savetovanje CIGRE Srbija, 02-06.2019. Vrnjačka Banja |
Godina | 2019 |
Autori | Željko Despotović and Đorđe Lekić |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 18 |
Control of Half-Bridge Resonant PWM Converter for Electromagnetic Vibratory Actuator
Naučni skup | 2019 18th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH) |
DOI | 10.1109/INFOTEH.2019.8717773 |
Publikacija | 18th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 20-22 March 2019 |
Godina | 2019 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Željko Despotović |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 6 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8717773 |
Performance Assessment of Fault Locators and Fault Passage Indicators in Distribution Networks by the Non-Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation
Naučni skup | 2018 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics |
DOI | 10.1109/INDEL.2018.8637638 |
Publikacija | 2018 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Banja Luka, November 1-3 |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Čedomir Zeljković, Predrag Mršić, Đorđe Lekić, Bojan Erceg, Petar Matić, Siniša Zubić, and Przemyslaw Balcerek |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 7 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8637638 |
Minimization of Power Interruption Time in MV Distribution Networks with Fault Locators Based on Optimal Placement of Fault Passage Indicators
Naučni skup | 2018 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics |
DOI | 10.1109/INDEL.2018.8637620 |
Publikacija | 2018 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Banja Luka, November 1-3 |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Predrag Mršić, Čedomir Zeljković, Đorđe Lekić, Bojan Erceg, Petar Matić, Siniša Zubić, and Przemyslaw Balcerek |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 7 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8637620 |
Program for Finite Element Based Design of Rotor Permanent Magnet Flux Switching Machine
Naučni skup | 2018 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics |
DOI | 10.1109/INDEL.2018.8637615 |
Publikacija | 2018 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Banja Luka |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Slobodan Vukosavić |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 7 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8637615 |
Calculation of optimal rotor permanent magnet dimensions for RPMFS machine
Naučni skup | INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), 2018 17th International Symposium |
DOI | 10.1109/INFOTEH.2018.8345516 |
Publikacija | 2018 17th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH) |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Slobodan Vukosavić |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 6 |
Veb adresa | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8345516/ |
Simulacioni model trofaznog matričnog pretvarača
Naučni skup | III naučno-stručni simpozijum Energetska efikasnost - ENEF 2017 |
Publikacija | III naučno-stručni simpozijum Energetska efikasnost - ENEF 2017 |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Bojan Erceg, Branko Blanuša, and Đorđe Lekić |
Strana od | 77 |
Strana do | 82 |
Veb adresa | http://enef.etfbl.net/2017/resources/ENEF_2017_Rad_E16.pdf |
Elevator Drives - Present Trends and Perspectives
Naučni skup | 11-th International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems (SIELMEN 2017) |
DOI | 10.1109/SIELMEN.2017.8123374 |
Publikacija | SIELMEN 2017 Proceedings of the 11-th International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Branko Blanuša, Bojan Knežević, Bojan Erceg, Đorđe Lekić, and Predrag Mršić |
Strana od | 001 |
Strana do | 009 |
Veb adresa | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8123374/ |
Analitička metoda za proračun optimalnog odnosa unutrašnjeg i vanjskog prečnika statora BLDC motora
Naučni skup | XVI međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2017 |
Publikacija | INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2017 |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Slobodan Vukosavić |
Strana od | 109 |
Strana do | 114 |
Veb adresa | http://infoteh.etf.unssa.rs.ba/zbornik/2017/radovi/ENS-2/ENS-2-3.pdf |
Three-Phase Overhead Line Model for Laboratory Testing of Fault Passage Indicators
Naučni skup | The 10th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion - Med Power 2016 |
DOI | 10.1049/cp.2016.1021 |
Publikacija | The 10th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion - Med Power 2016 |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić, Predrag Mršić, Bojan Erceg, and Čedomir Zeljković |
Strana od | 32 |
Strana do | 40 |
Veb adresa | http://digital-library.theiet.org/content/conferences/10.1049/cp.2016.1021 |
Magnetno polje torusnog induktora
Naučni skup | XV međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2016 |
Publikacija | INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2016 |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Petar Matić |
Strana od | 171 |
Strana do | 176 |
Veb adresa | http://infoteh.etf.unssa.rs.ba/zbornik/2016/radovi/ENS-2/ENS-2-10.pdf |
Trendovi implementacije inteligentnih elektroenergetskih mreža
Naučni skup | Simpozijum Energetska efikasnost – ENEF 2015 |
Publikacija | Simpozijum Energetska efikasnost – ENEF 2015 |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Čedomir Zeljković, Predrag Mršić, and Đorđe Lekić |
Strana od | 47 |
Strana do | 51 |
Veb adresa | http://enef.etfbl.net/2015/resources/Zbornik_radova_ENEF_2015/6_Rad_ENEF_2015.pdf |
Demonstracija upotrebe lokatora kvarova u distributivnoj mreži
Naučni skup | Simpozijum Energetska efikasnost – ENEF 2015 |
Publikacija | Simpozijum Energetska efikasnost – ENEF 2015 |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Predrag Mršić, Đorđe Lekić, and Čedomir Zeljković |
Strana od | 52 |
Strana do | 57 |
Veb adresa | http://enef.etfbl.net/2015/resources/Zbornik_radova_ENEF_2015/7_Rad_ENEF_2015.pdf |
Proračun magnetne indukcije u blizini srednjenaponskih nadzemnih vodova za potrebe detekcije struje kvara
Naučni skup | Simpozijum Energetska efikasnost – ENEF 2015 |
Publikacija | Simpozijum Energetska efikasnost – ENEF 2015 |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić, Čedomir Zeljković, and Predrag Mršić |
Strana od | 58 |
Strana do | 63 |
Veb adresa | http://enef.etfbl.net/2015/resources/Zbornik_radova_ENEF_2015/8_Rad_ENEF_2015.pdf |
Design of Tesla’s Two-Phase Inductor
Naučni skup | X Symposium on Industrial Electronics – INDEL 2014 |
Publikacija | Proceedings of Indel 2014 Symposium |
Godina | 2014 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić and Petar Matić |
Strana od | 115 |
Strana do | 122 |
Veb adresa | http://indel.etfbl.net/2014/resources/Proceedings_2014/INDEL_2014_Paper_18.pdf |
Jedna praktična realizacija regulisanog elektromotornog pogona sa sinhronim motorom primjenom digitalnog procesora TMS320F2808
Naučni skup | XIII međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2014 |
Publikacija | INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2014 |
Godina | 2014 |
Autori | Đorđe Lekić |
Strana od | 1124 |
Strana do | 1129 |
Veb adresa | http://infoteh.etf.unssa.rs.ba/zbornik/2014/radovi/STS/STS-6.pdf |
Sistem za praćenje potrošnje električne energije na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Banjoj Luci
Naučni skup | Simpozijum Energetska efikasnost – ENEF 2013 |
Publikacija | Simpozijum Energetska efikasnost – ENEF 2013 |
Godina | 2013 |
Autori | Petar Matić, Čedomir Zeljković, Siniša Zubić, and Đorđe Lekić |
Strana od | B1-1 |
Strana do | B1-4 |
Veb adresa | http://enef.etfbl.net/2013/resources/Zbornik_2013/14_Rad.pdf |
Jedan postupak za rješavanje eksponencijalnih vodova sa gubicima
Naučni skup | XII međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2013 |
Publikacija | INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2013 |
Godina | 2013 |
Autori | Milorad Bajić and Đorđe Lekić |
Strana od | 102 |
Strana do | 106 |
Veb adresa | http://infoteh.etf.unssa.rs.ba/zbornik/2013/radovi/ENS-1/ENS-1-4.pdf |
Ostali radovi
Ferrite wings systems and methods for inductive wireless power transfer
Izdavač | The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) |
ISSN/ISBN | US Patent App. 18/357,752 |
Godina | 2024 |
Autori | Steven Niederhauser, Mickel Budhia, Đorđe Lekić, Mauricio Esguerra, and Rafael Acevedo |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 15 |
Veb adresa | https://patents.google.com/patent/US20240029948A1/en |
Električne mašine - zbirka riješenih zadataka sa studentskog takmičenja Elektrijada
Izdavač | Elektrotehnički fakultet, Banja Luka, Akadmska misao, Beograd |
ISBN | 978-99955-46-31-1 |
Godina | 2018 |
Autori | Petar Matić and Đorđe Lekić |
Tip knjige | pomoćni udžbenik |
Broj strana | 187 |
Konstrukcija, izrada i ispitivanje novog tipa sinhronog elektromotora sa stalnim magnetima na rotoru (sopstveni razvoj)
Project Number | 1255030 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni razvojni |
Organizational unit | Elektrotehnicki fakultet |
Head | Djordje Lekic, ma |
Participants |
Predrag Mrsic, ma Bojan Erceg, ma Nemanja Kitic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2021-12-01 |
End of the project | 2024-03-06 |
Project value | 10999.0 BAM |
Detekcija kvarova distributivnih nadzemnih vodova beskontaktnim mjerenjem magnetskog polja
Project Number | 1255021 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Elektrotehnicki fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Petar Matic |
Participants |
Djordje Lekic, ma Bojan Erceg, ma Predrag Mrsic, ma prof. dr Cedomir Zeljkovic Nemanja Kitic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2020-01-01 |
End of the project | 2022-05-11 |
Project value | 23000.0 BAM |
Napajanje baznih stanica mobilne telefonije obnovljivim izvorima energije
Project Number | 1255019 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Elektrotehnicki fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Cedomir Zeljkovic |
Participants |
prof. dr Petar Matic Nemanja Kitic Djordje Lekic, ma Predrag Mrsic, ma Bojan Erceg, ma |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2020-01-01 |
End of the project | 2022-12-28 |
Project value | 24000.0 BAM |
Poboljsanje pokazatelja kvaliteta elektricne energije industrijskih potrosaca
Project Number | 1255004 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Elektrotehnicki fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Petar Matic |
Participants |
Nemanja Kitic Djordje Lekic, ma prof. dr Cedomir Zeljkovic Predrag Mrsic, ma Bojan Erceg, ma |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj i visoko obarzovanje Republike Srpske |
Beginning of realization | 2019-01-01 |
End of the project | 2019-12-31 |
Project value | 13300.0 BAM |
Povecanje pouzdanosti srednjenaponskih distributivnih mreza koristenjem indikatora kvarova (FPI)
Project Number | 1255005 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Elektrotehnicki fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Cedomir Zeljkovic |
Participants |
Bojan Erceg, ma Nemanja Kitic Djordje Lekic, ma prof. dr Petar Matic Predrag Mrsic, ma |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj i visoko obarzovanje Republike Srpske |
Beginning of realization | 2019-01-01 |
End of the project | 2019-12-31 |
Project value | 13500.0 BAM |
Minimizacija vremena prekida napajanja u savremenim srednjenaponskim mrezama na bazi optimalnog pozicioniranja indikatora prolaska struje kvara(FPI)
Project Number | 8300589 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Medjunarodni naucnoistrazivacki - Ostali |
Organizational unit | Elektrotehnicki fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Cedomir Zeljkovic |
Participants |
Bojan Erceg, ma Predrag Mrsic, ma Djordje Lekic, ma prof. dr Petar Matic |
Business Partner | ABB Sp.z.o.o., ABB Corporate Research Center, Krakow,Polska |
Beginning of realization | 2017-09-01 |
End of the project | 2017-12-31 |
Project value | 16120.0 BAM |