
Goran Banjac, ma

Stručni saradnik - programer - II-19
Elektrotehnički fakultet


Elektrotehnički fakultet

Akademske studije drugog ciklusa Akademske studije prvog ciklusa


Radovi u časopisima

    Automatic Conceptual Database Design based on Heterogeneous Source Artifacts

    DOI 10.2298/CSIS240229065B
    Godina 2024
    Autori Goran Banjac, Dražen Brđanin, and Danijela Banjac
    Volumen 21
    Broj 4
    Strana od 1913
    Strana do 1961
    Veb adresa

    Combining Speech Processing and Text Processing in Conceptual Database Design

    DOI 10.5937/telfor2301008B
    Časopis TELFOR Journal
    Godina 2024
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Goran Banjac, Dejan Keserović, Nebojša Babić, and Nenad Golubović
    Volumen 16
    Broj 1
    Strana od 8
    Strana do 13
    Veb adresa

    Automatic Derivation of the Initial Conceptual Database Model from a Set of Business Process Models

    DOI 10.2298/CSIS210423066B
    Godina 2022
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Aleksandar Vukotić, Danijela Banjac, Goran Banjac, and Slavko Marić
    Volumen 19
    Broj 1
    Strana od 455
    Strana do 493
    Veb adresa

    Automatic derivation of conceptual database models from differently serialized business process models

    DOI 10.1007/s10270-020-00808-3
    Godina 2021
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Stefan Ilić, Goran Banjac, Danijela Banjac, and Slavko Marić
    Volumen 20
    Broj 1
    Strana od 89
    Strana do 115
    Veb adresa

    An experiment in model-driven conceptual database design

    DOI 10.1007/s10270-018-0672-7
    Godina 2019
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Goran Banjac, Danijela Banjac, and Slavko Marić
    Volumen 18
    Broj 3
    Strana od 1859
    Strana do 1883
    Veb adresa

    Automated Two-phase Business Model-driven Synthesis of Conceptual Database Models

    DOI 10.2298/CSIS123456789X
    Godina 2019
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Danijela Banjac, Goran Banjac, and Slavko Marić
    Volumen 16
    Broj 2
    Strana od 657
    Strana do 688
    Veb adresa

    On Predictive-Based Lossless Compression of Images with Higher Bit Depths

    Godina 2012
    Autori Aleksej Avramović and Goran Banjac
    Volumen 4
    Broj 2
    Strana od 122
    Strana do 127
    Veb adresa

Radovi sa skupova

    Employing Multiple Online Translation Services in a Multilingual Database Design Tool

    Naučni skup Modern Approaches in Data Engineering and Information System Design (MADEISD 2024)
    Publikacija J. Tekli et al. (Eds.): ADBIS 2024, CCIS 2186
    Godina 2024
    Autori Danijela Banjac, Milica Matić, Nedeljko Cvijanović, Dražen Brđanin, Goran Banjac, and Đorđe Stojisavljević
    Strana od 238
    Strana do 249
    Veb adresa

    Towards Automatic Conceptual Database Design Based on Heterogeneous Source Artifacts

    Naučni skup Modern Approaches in Data Engineering and Information System Design (MADEISD 2023)
    DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-42941-5_42
    Publikacija In: Abelló, A., et al. New Trends in Database and Information Systems. ADBIS 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1850. Springer, Cham
    Godina 2023
    Autori Goran Banjac, Dražen Brđanin, and Danijela Banjac
    Strana od 487
    Strana do 498
    Veb adresa

    UML-based Forward Database Engineering

    Naučni skup 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH)
    DOI 10.1109/INFOTEH57020.2023.10094162
    Publikacija Proc. of the 22nd Int. Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2023
    Godina 2023
    Autori Zvjezdan Spasić, Aleksandar Vukotic, Dražen Brđanin, Danijela Banjac, and Goran Banjac
    Strana od 1
    Strana do 6
    Veb adresa

    Towards the Speech-driven Database Design

    Naučni skup 30th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR)
    DOI 10.1109/TELFOR56187.2022.9983727
    Publikacija Proc. of TELFOR 2022
    Godina 2022
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Goran Banjac, Nebojša Babić, and Nenad Golubovic
    Strana od 1
    Strana do 4
    Veb adresa

    Towards an online multilingual tool for automated conceptual database design

    Naučni skup International Symposium on Intelligent and Distributed Computing
    DOI 0.1007/978-3-031-29104-3_16
    Publikacija Intelligent Distributed Computing XV (SCI, volume 1089)
    Godina 2022
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Mladen Grumic, Goran Banjac, Milan Miscevic, Igor Dujlović, Aleksandar Keleč, Nikola Obradović, Danijela Banjac, Dragana Volas, and Slavko Marić
    Strana od 144
    Strana do 153
    Veb adresa

    Reverse Engineering of Relational Database Schema based on Universal Metadata Queries

    Naučni skup 21st International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH)
    DOI 10.1109/INFOTEH53737.2022.9751287
    Publikacija Proc. of the 21st Int. Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2022
    Godina 2022
    Autori Stefan Reljić, Dražen Brđanin, and Goran Banjac
    Strana od 1
    Strana do 6
    Veb adresa

    REDBUL: An Online System for Reverse Engineering of Relational Databases

    Naučni skup Int. Conf. on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications INISTA–2020
    DOI 10.1109/INISTA49547.2020.9194652
    Publikacija Proc. of the Int. Conf. on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications INISTA–2020
    Godina 2020
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Dragana Vukovic, Goran Banjac, Aleksandar Keleč, Igor Dujlović, Nikola Obradović, and Danijela Banjac
    Strana od 1
    Strana do 6
    Veb adresa

    Automatic Derivation of Conceptual Database Model from a Set of Business Process Models

    Naučni skup Int. Conf. on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications INISTA–2020
    DOI 10.1109/INISTA49547.2020.9194667
    Publikacija Proc. of the Int. Conf. on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications INISTA–2020
    Godina 2020
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Aleksanddar Vukotic, Goran Banjac, Danijela Banjac, and Slavko Marić
    Strana od 1
    Strana do 8
    Veb adresa

    An Approach to Web-based Visualization of Automatically Generated Data Models

    Naučni skup EUROCON 2019
    DOI 10.1109/EUROCON.2019.8861729
    Publikacija IEEE EUROCON 2019 -18th International Conference on Smart Technologies
    Godina 2019
    Autori Igor Dujlović, Nikola Obradović, Aleksandar Keleč, Dražen Brđanin, Goran Banjac, and Danijela Banjac
    Strana od 1
    Strana do 6
    Veb adresa

    An Online Business Process Model-driven Generator of the Conceptual Database Model

    Naučni skup 8th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics - WIMS'18
    DOI 10.1145/3227609.3227666
    Publikacija Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics - WIMS'18
    Godina 2018
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Danijela Banjac, Goran Banjac, and Slavko Marić
    Strana od 16:1
    Strana do 16:9
    Veb adresa

    Controlled Experiment in Business Model-driven Conceptual Database Design

    Naučni skup EMMSAD 2017
    DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-59466-8_18
    Publikacija Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 287
    Godina 2017
    Autori Drazen Brdjanin, Goran Banjac, Danijela Banjac, and Slavko Maric
    Strana od 289
    Strana do 304
    Veb adresa

    An approach to automated two-phase business model-driven synthesis of data models

    Naučni skup 7th International Conference on Model and Data Engineering (MEDI 2017)
    DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-66854-3
    Publikacija In: Ouhammou Y., Ivanovic M., Abelló A., Bellatreche L. (eds) Model and Data Engineering. MEDI 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10563
    Godina 2017
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Danijela Banjac, Goran Banjac, and Slavko Marić
    Strana od 57
    Strana do 70
    Veb adresa

    Evaluation of automatically generated conceptual database model based on business process model: controlled experiment

    Naučni skup ICT Innovations 2016
    DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-68855-8
    Publikacija Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 665
    Godina 2016
    Autori Danijela Banjac, Dražen Brđanin, Goran Banjac, and Slavko Marić
    Strana od 134
    Strana do 145
    Veb adresa

    Automatsko generisanje konceptualnog modela baze podataka na osnovu kolaborativnog modela poslovnog procesa

    Naučni skup INFOTEH 2015
    Publikacija Zbornik radova XIV međunarodnog naučno-stručnog simpozijuma INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2015
    Godina 2015
    Autori Goran Banjac, Dražen Brđanin, and Slavko Marić
    Strana od 481
    Strana do 486
    Veb adresa

    Automated Synthesis of Initial Conceptual Database Model Based on Collaborative Business Process Model

    Naučni skup ICT Innovations 2014
    DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-09879-1_15
    Publikacija Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 311
    Godina 2014
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Goran Banjac, and Slavko Marić
    Strana od 145
    Strana do 156
    Veb adresa

    Lossless Audio Compression Using Modular Arithmetic and Performance-Based Adaptation

    Naučni skup TELFOR 2012
    Publikacija Proc. of TELFOR 2012
    Godina 2012
    Autori Aleksej Avramović, Goran Banjac, and Jovan Galić
    Strana od 1256
    Strana do 1259

    Audio Lossless Compression Using Modular Arithmetic and Simple Coding Context

    Naučni skup International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK
    Publikacija Proceedings of 21st conference ERK
    Godina 2012
    Autori Aleksej Avramović and Goran Banjac
    Strana od 91
    Strana do 94

    Uticaj nivoa izolacije transakcija na aplikativne performanse u sistemima sa bazama podataka

    Naučni skup Telecommunications Forum TELFOR
    Publikacija Zbornik radova 19. telekomunikacionog foruma TELFOR
    Godina 2011
    Autori Slavko Marić, Goran Banjac, Aleksandar Damljanović, and Siniša Jakovljević
    Strana od 1215
    Strana do 1218


    Projektovanje i eksploatacija baza podataka kroz primjere

    Izdavač Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Elektrotehnički fakultet
    ISBN 978-99955-46-34-2
    Godina 2018
    Autori Dražen Brđanin, Slavko Marić, and Goran Banjac
    Tip knjige pomoćni udžbenik
    Broj strana 333

    Relacione baze podataka : zbirka riješenih zadataka

    Izdavač Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Elektrotehnički fakultet
    ISBN 978-99955-46-08-3
    Godina 2012
    Autori Slavko Marić, Dražen Brđanin, and Goran Banjac
    Tip knjige pomoćni udžbenik
    Broj strana 250


Podrska uspostavljanju i razvoju preduzeca kroz uspostavljanje novog mehanizma podrske i osnivanje i razvoj firmi za lica mladja od 30 godina

Project Number 1255029
Status Neaktivan
Type of project Medjunarodni strucni (profesionalni)
Organizational unit Elektrotehnicki fakultet
Head prof. dr Branko Blanusa
Participants prof. dr Milan Tica
prof. dr Zeljko Ivanovic
prof. dr Drazen Brdjanin
Goran Banjac, ma
Igor Dujlovic, ma
prof. dr Vladimir Risojevic
Beginning of realization 2021-02-01
End of the project 2022-06-01
Project value 19558.0 BAM

AMADEOS: Automatska sinteza konceptualnog modela baze podataka na osnovu kolekcije modela poslovnih procesa

Project Number 1255020
Status Neaktivan
Type of project Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki
Organizational unit Elektrotehnicki fakultet
Head prof. dr Drazen Brdjanin
Participants prof. dr Slavko Maric
Goran Banjac, ma
Danijela Banjac, ma
Milan Miscevic
Aleksandar Vukotic
Business Partner Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo
Beginning of realization 2020-01-01
End of the project 2022-03-01
Project value 21000.0 BAM