
MN-5 - Internet i nove medijske tehnologije

Course specification
Type of study Master academic studies
Study programme
Course title Internet i nove medijske tehnologije
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
MN-5 mandatory 1 3L + 1E 5.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
According to the rules of study of the second cycle of studies and other academic acts that refer to the mentioned level of study. Attended classes and exercises or completed consultative classes.
Learning objectives
The aim of the work within this subject is to acquaint candidates with the media, communication and sociological characteristics of the information society. The starting point for understanding the information society will be the Internet and the media platforms that develop in its technological environment. In addition to the historical aspect, the influences and consequences of those influences on man and society will be considered from the point of view of sociology of media, communication science and mediology.
Learning outcomes
Students will be able to develop the competencies of critical reflection and analysis of the meaning, role and importance of the information age and the changes it brings to the world of media. It will build an understanding of how the explanation of the information society can be divergently approached. Students will manage to master some theoretical and practical knowledge and skills necessary to apply new media in the context of modern scientific and professional research, as well as modeling of modern trends and prediction of the development of new media in the information age.
Emergence and development of Internet technology; Internet and its network service; Computer evolution and bionic communication; Digital culture and digital counterculture; Media and digitalization; History of online media development; Typology of online media; Informational potentials and communicative characteristics of online media; Language and discourse of new media; Competences of online journalists; Online audience and its expectations; Communication capacity of online information; Specific forms of production in online media; Visual communication and their management skills; Ideas transhumanism and online journalism.
Teaching Methods
Ex cathedra lectures, individual interactivity, group works, exercises, consultations, involvement in project work (when possible).
  1. Tatjana Tapavički Duronjić, (2017). "Digitalni informacioni sistemi, medijski pristup" .Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci: Banja Luka.2. Čarli Gir (2011). "Digitalna kultura". Beograd: Clio. 3. Oliver Subotić, (2011). "Informaciono kontrolisano društvo". Bernar: Beograd. 4. Ljubiša Despotović i Zoran Jevtović (2019). "Geopolitika medija" . Kultura polisa i Kairos: Novi Sad. Frensis Fukujama, (2003). "Naša posthumana budućnost" Podgorica:CID. (Original title)
  2. 1. Aleksandar Luj Todorović, (2009). "Umetnost i tehnologije komunikacija". Clio: Beograd. 2.Manovič, L. (2015). "Jezik novih medija". Beograd: Clio. 3. Lakroa, M. (2001). " New Age: Ideologija novog doba". Beograd: Clio.. (Original title)
  3. Tatjana Tapavički Duronjić (2008). "Kompjuterska kultura i moderni mediji". Filozofski fakultet Banja Luka: Banja Luka. 2. Tatjana Tapavički Duronjić (2006). "Internet i komunikacija, medijska sinergija postmedija". Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva: Istočno Sarajevo.3. Aleksandar Luj Todorović, (2015). "Diskurs novih tehnologija". Clio: Beograd. (Original title)
  4. Tatjana Tapavički Duronjić (2014). "Singularnost čoveka i kompjutera u internet okruženju". Internet i društvo. Međunarodni tematski zbornik radova. Beograd i Niš: Srspko sociološko društvo, Univerzitet u Nišu, Institut za uporedno pravo Beograd. (Original title)
  5. Ašmanov, I. / Kasperska, N. (2023). "Digitalna higijena". Riznica: Beograd. (Original title)
Evaluation and grading
Assessment and evaluation of student work and knowledge takes place through a colloquium (2), independent student papers and a final, oral exam. In addition to the ability to reproduce the content of literature, the ability to think analytically and connect ideas is especially checked.
Specific remarks
Teaching can take place consultatively, but also online.