CEEPUS – exchange program
CEEPUS Offices and Responsible Persons
Central CEEPUS Office
Contact persons:
Mr. Michael Schedl – Secretary General
Ms. Marlene Grubeck-Grabner – Assistant to the Secretary General
Albertgasse 35, 1080 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43/1/3194850/11
Fax: +43/1/3194850/10
e-mail: office@ceepus.info
CEEPUS Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contact Person – Ms. Branka Avdibegović
Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Department for EU Integrations and International Cooperation
Sector for Education
Trg BiH 3, 71000 Sarajevo
Phone: +387 33 492 607
Fax: +387 33 492 627
e-mail: Branka.Avdibegovic@mcp.gov.ba
Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development and Higher Education
Contact person for CEEPUS program – Ms. Sana Vujnić
Department for Student Standard
Trg Republike Srpske 1, 78 000 Banja Luka
Phone: +387 51 338 433
Fax: +387 51 338 875
e-mail: s.vujnic@mnv.vladars.rs