
B24725 - Рulp and Paper Technology

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titleРulp and Paper Technology
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesECTS
B24725mandatory72L + E5.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
    PrerequisiteForm of prerequisites
    Organic chemistry IPassed Exam
    Learning objectives
    Acquisition of the basic theoretical knowledge of raw materials for the production of cellulose, then paper and cardboard, introduction to the specifics of cellulose, paper and cardboard production technology. Training for standalone and teamwork in the pulp and paper industry
    Learning outcomes
    The student is trained to carry out the work of engineers in the pulp and paper industry.
    Raw materials for the production of cellulose. The chemical composition of the macromolecule of cellulose. Technological procedures for the production of cellulose, polucelulose and woodcuts. Production and regeneration of chemicals for the production of cellulose. Raw materials for paper and cardboard production. Aids in paper production. Preparation of mass for paper production. Forming a paper sheet on a paper machine. Types of paper and paper finishing methods. Paper, cardboard and cardboard properties and test methods. Recycling paper. Secondary products of cellulose production (lignine).
    Teaching Methods
    Lectures. Laboratory exercises-student works independently with prior examination of exercises, and after the completed experiment, the report is written. Visit of factories and plants as a field training.
    Evaluation and grading
    Written and oral exam.
    Specific remarks
    Group 4*