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Eight years of successful work of FBN UNIBL


On the occasion of eight years of successful work of the Faculty of Security Sciences of the University of Banja Luka (FBN UNIBL), there was a formal promotion of the graduated students of the first and second cycle of studies, on 6 March 2025.

The Rector of the University of Banja Luka, prof. Radoslav Gajanin, PhD, congratulated the eighth anniversary of the successful development of the Faculty of Security Sciences, pointing out that even though the Faculty is the youngest member of the University, it has grown in terms of equipment and space capacities, so it is equal to other members of the University. 

“The Faculty of Security Sciences selects the best cadre to educate experts in the field of security. This year we engaged our best students as new Associates, which presents a guarantee of the quality of the teaching process, science and development of the Faculty and the University as a whole.

The Minister for Science-technological Development and Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska, Assistant Professor Željko Budimir, PhD, said that the Faculty of Security Sciences is a successful higher education institution with the increasing interest of students, which is why the entry quotas are extended each year.

“In the coming period the Faculty will get the third cycle of studies, thus completing the overall system of education in this institution”, said Budimir.

The Dean of the Faculty of Security Sciences, prof. Predrag Ćeranić, PhD, stressed that the Faculty, besides education, offers the students a quality upbringing cherishing patriotism, which makes it desirable among the young.

“The Faculty of Security Sciences, along with the first cycle of studies, has three study programs in the second cycle, including the program “Ecological security”, which is a joint program implemented by the FBN and the Faculty of Security at the State Education University in Moscow. In the future period, we plan to start the third cycle of studies”, said Ćeranić.

He added that more than 90 percent of graduated students of this faculty find employment in the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Srpska.

“Our mission is to create new generations of policemen, who will be better and readier for challenges than their predecessors. These young men are the future, and they have a task to preserve what was given to us in the Dayton peace agreement”, said prof. Ćeranić.

The formal event attracted a number of dignitaries from academic, political and public life of the Republic of Srpska, and among them were the envoy of the President of the Republic of Srpska, Assistant Professor Nina Sajić, PhD, and the Financial Director of the UNIBL, Duško Lazić.

Photo: D. Desnica


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