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Professors and Teaching Assistants on the Erasmus+ Exchange in Crete

University of Banja LukaGeneral

As part of the Erasmus+ exchange programme, professors and teaching assistants from the University of Banja Luka stayed from 24 May to 1 June 2024 at the Hellenic Mediterranean University of Crete.

This was an opportunity for our professors and teaching assistants to participate in the conference and workshops dedicated to modern pedagogical and technological possibilities in higher education, as well as to exchange opinions with colleagues from all over the world, and further strengthen the cooperation between the two universities.

On behalf of our University, the following stayed at the Hellenic Mediterranean University: Prof. Jelena Poljašević, PhD, from the Faculty of Economics, Prof. Jelena Šajinović Novaković, PhD, from the Faculty of Philology, Asst. Prof. Ljiljana Suručić, PhD, from the Faculty of Medicine, Milica Jošić Milinović, MA, from the Faculty of Philology, Jelena Pažin, MA, from the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, and Vladana Ritan, MA, from the Faculty of Economics.


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