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Prof. Dijana Jelić, PhD, Spent Her Postdoctoral Training in Japan

University of Banja LukaGeneral-

Prof. Dijana Jelić, PhD, full professor at the Chemistry Study Programme at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Banja Luka, spent five months on postdoctoral research in Tsukuba, Japan.

In the period from May to October this year, she successfully completed her second postdoctoral training at the National Institute for Materials Science.

Prof. Jelić went to Japan as a Matsumae scholarship winner. Scientists from all over the world have the opportunity to apply for the contest of the International Matsumae Foundation, and for 2023, ten scholarships were awarded, out of a total of 290 received applications. Moreover, the Foundation organized a ceremonial promotion and awarding of memorial medals and certificates of successfully completed studies.

As part of her scientific research project, Prof. Dijana Jelić, PhD, worked on the development of smart drug delivery systems, which are used for targeted and sustained drug release. As part of her training, in August 2023, Professor Jelić gave a lecture on modern approaches to increasing the stability and bioavailability of drugs that are poorly soluble in water at an international conference titled "International Conference on the Science and Technology of the Vitreous State of Pharmaceuticals"


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