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THE Queen Jadwiga Fund

Science and developmentUniversity of Banja Luka

The Queen Jadwiga Fund is an independent initiative of the Jagiellonian University. Supported by the resources offered by both institutional and private donors, its primary aim is to attract young scholars from our part of this continent to conduct scientific and library research in Kraków, as well as discover the cultural and academic heritage of this city.

The Fund is conferred upon scholars and doctoral candidates from Central and Eastern Europe whose stay in Kraków is to serve initiating and sustaining contacts between research centres in this region.

 So far, thanks to the Queen Jadwiga Fund, nearly 800 young and more accomplished scholars from 21 different countries have visited Kraków. During their one to two-month stay here, the beneficiaries receive a monthly scholarship of 1,500 PLN, and are provided with dormitory housing and free health insurance.

Deadline for applications is June 19th, 2013.  

More information you can find on: and at the attached document.