
DSDN-SM-4 - Informaciono društvo i novi mediji

Course specification
Type of study Doctoral studies
Study programme
Course title Informaciono društvo i novi mediji
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
DSDN-SM-4 mandatory 2, 3 4L + 2E 8.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
According to the rules of third cycle studies. The subject has no conditionality, except for those provided by the rules of study of the third cycle of studies at the University of Banja Luka.
Learning objectives
The basic problem of studying within the subject is the information society and the implications it brings to modern society from the point of view of information and communication through mass media and online media. The information society will be viewed as a form of modern organization of society in which information is the central category of traffic, communication, communication and exchange between people. Therefore, the basic condition for studying the subject is related to the fact that the student has formally completed the enrollment procedure, and the formal conditions for taking the exam are related to regular attendance at lectures and the degree of student participation in the teaching process.
Learning outcomes
Students will be able to distinguish the information society and its characteristics from other social epochs. They will be able to interpret the most important teachings and interpretations of leading authors who dealt with the information society and digital media. Also, students will be able to explain basic theoretical approaches about the challenges and potentials of the information society, and will develop a personal attitude about the possible future of the information society and digital media that are developing in that environment.
The emergence and development of the information society; The Internet and contemporary social and technological challenges: the problem of freedom, alienation, privacy, free time, the phenomenon of rumor communication, risks of availability, the problem of ubiquity; Solin's theory of hybridization and Kanton's theory of the Internet future; Problems of political and corporate influence on the media; The influence of big capital on the media and the problem of media oligopoly; The transformative potential of the Internet;. Internet surveillance problem (USA, Great Britain, Russia and China); Forms of state influence on the media; The issue of human information control and the problem of self-censorship, the concept of anticipatory conformity, soft pressure); The role of civic initiatives in the information age; Culture of loneliness and eternal connection through IT (problems of loneliness, self-confidence, isolation, demand for eternal youth, cult of the body); The culture of "happy endings" (the principle of hope, the question of democratic unfreedom, the question of "enlightenment as mass deception"); Some challenges of transhumanism; The history of fake news and the phenomenon of spin in the world media.
Teaching Methods
Lectures will take place in the form of ex-chairs with active, dynamic consultative work and student participation.
  1. • Tatjana Tapavički Duronjić, (2017). "Digitalni informacioni sistemi". Banja Luka: FPN. • Fuchs, Christian, "Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age". New York: Routledge. • Šeri Terkl (2011). "Sami zajedno". Beograd: Clio.• Subotić, Oliver (2011). "Informaciono kontrolisano društvo". Beograd: Stari Banovci: BERNAR; Ašmanov, I. / Kasperska, N. (2023). "Digitalna higijena", Riznica : Beograd. Reljić, S. (2013). "Kriza medija i mediji krize". Službeni glasnik: Beograd. (Original title)
  2. Bernar Stigler, (2016). "Studije digitalnog;organologija znanja kognitivne tehnologije". Beograd: Fakultet za medije i komunikacije. • Manuel Kastels (2014). "Moć komunikacije." Beograd: Clio.• Ilejn Svenonijus, (2007). "Intelektualna osnova organizovanja informacija". Beograd: Clio. Beograd. Reljić,S. (2021). "Volja za laž". Catena mundi: Beograd. (Original title)
  3. Richard Watson, (2016). "Future Minds: How the Digital Age is Changing Our Minds, Why this Matters and What We Can Do About It." London/Boston: Nicholas Brealey Publishing Group.
  4. Mary Chayko, (2018). "Superconnected", SAGE Publications, Inc.• Siva Vaidhyanathan, (2018). "Antiocial Media".
Evaluation and grading
Assessment and evaluation of student work and knowledge takes place through a colloquium (2), independent student papers and a final, oral exam. In addition to the ability to reproduce the content of the subject, the ability to think analytically and connect ideas is especially checked.
Specific remarks
Classes can take place consultatively, but also online.