Basic concepts: force, rigid and deformable body, types of forces, the principle of section, action, and reaction, dimensions, and units.Composition and resolution of forces, equilibrium of forces,in-plane and in space.General system of forces in the plane:coupling and force couples,moment of force,reduction of force on point, resultant of the force system, equilibrium conditions, Chain polygon.General system of forces in space: vector of moment, equilibrium conditions.Center of gravity:system of parallel forces, surface, line, the center of gravity, and center of mass of bodies.Girdes in plane: supports, static determination, support reactions. Spatial and multi-part girders:static determination, three-joint arch, articulated beams.Beams, frames, arches: cross-sectional parameters, the ratio of girder load and cross-sectional parameters-differential connections.Integration and boundary conditions, transient conditions for multi-field girders.Individual determination of cross-sectional parameters,cross-sectional parameters for frames,arches,and space girders.Truss girders:static determination,truss shaping,rod forces.The knot procedure,Cremona's plan of forces.Ritter's cross-sectional procedure.Spatial truss.Force work and application in statics: potential energy,general equation of statics, determination of equilibrium,reaction force,and cross-sectional quantities, stability of position equilibrium.Friction:sliding friction,rolling friction,rope friction.Chain construction. |