
prof. dr Boško Mekinjić
vanredni profesor

Nastavnik - II-4
Ekonomski fakultet
Uža naučna/umjetnička oblast Zvanje Datum izbora u zvanje
Poslovne finansije vanredni profesor 30. mart 2023.


Ekonomski fakultet

Akademske studije drugog ciklusa
2I14IGCMC Međunarodna finansijska tržišta i valute
2I14AROD Računovodstvo osiguravajućih društava
2I14AURI Upravljanje rizicima
2I14BPRI Procjena rizika
2I14BSRA Specijalna računovodstva
2I14JURI Upravljanje rizicima
2I14RPRI Procjena rizika
2I14RSRA Specijalna računovodstva
Akademske studije prvog ciklusa
O17RAHO Analiza hartija od vrijednosti
O17FAHO Analiza hartija od vrijednosti
Akademske studije trećeg ciklusa
3O14FPDO Politika dobiti preduzeća


Radovi u časopisima

    The Challenges of Economic Freedom and the Influence on Financial Performance of China's Development: A Strategic Approach

    DOI 10.5937/StraMan2300056M
    Časopis Strategic management - International Journal of Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management
    Godina 2024
    Autori Dragan Milovanović, Nenad Marković, Dragana Vujičić Stefanović, Dejan Tešić i Boško Mekinjić
    Volumen 29
    Broj 1
    Strana od 41
    Strana do 54
    Veb adresa

    The impossible trinity of developing countries–the Greek example

    Časopis Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci : časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu
    Godina 2023
    Autori Marko Djogo, Dragan Gligorić, Grujić Miloš i Boško Mekinjić
    Volumen 41
    Broj 1
    Strana od 271
    Strana do 297
    Veb adresa

    Testing of Portfolio Optimization through Investments in Stock Market Indices and Bitcoin

    DOI 10.5937/EKOPRE2106318G
    Časopis Ekonomika preduzeća
    Godina 2021
    Autori Miloš Grujić, Boško Mekinjić i Dragana Vujičić Stefanović
    Broj 5-6
    Strana od 318
    Strana do 332
    Veb adresa

    Influence of Digitalization and Technological Innovations in the Financial Market on the Development of the Financial Market

    DOI 10.5937/EKOPRE2004269M
    Časopis Ekonomika preduzeća
    Godina 2020
    Autori Boško Mekinjić, Miloš Grujić i Dragana Vujičić Stefanović
    Broj 3-4
    Strana od 269
    Strana do 279
    Veb adresa

    The use of Regression Analysis in the Evaluation of the Impact of Digitalization and Technological Innovations in three Measures of the Development of Economy and Society

    DOI 10.5937/bankarstvo1904012M
    Časopis Bankarstvo
    Godina 2019
    Autori Boško Mekinjić, Miloš Grujić i Dragana Vujičić Stefanović
    Volumen 48
    Broj 4
    Strana od 12
    Strana do 43
    Veb adresa

Radovi sa skupova

    New Challenges in Managing the Process of the Banke Transformation in Contemporary international Trends

    Application of Regression Analysis in Estimating the Impact of GDP per Capita on Test Levels, Digitalization and HDI in Europe

    Naučni skup IX Scientific Conference with Internatonal Participation, Jahorina Business Forum 2020, Real and Financial Sector in the Light of new Technologies, new World Trends and new Challenges
    Publikacija Proceedings IX Scientific Conference with Internatonal Participation, Jahorina Business Forum 2020, Real and Financial Sector in the Light of new Technologies, new World Trends and new Challenges
    Godina 2020
    Autori Boško Mekinjić, Miloš Grujić i Dragana Vujičić Stefanović
    Strana od 217
    Strana do 229
    Veb adresa

    The Role of Accounting and Auditing Professions in the Banking Business

    Naučni skup 23nd International congress strengthening the credibility of the accounting profession as an imperative of protecting public interest, The Association of Accountants and Auditors of Republic of Srpska
    Publikacija Proceedings of 23rd International Congress Strengthening the Credibility of the Accounting Profession as an Imperative of Protecting Public interest, The Association of Accountants and Auditors of Republic of Srpska
    Godina 2019
    Autori Boško Mekinjić i Dragana Vujičić Stefanović
    Strana od 481
    Strana do 504

    Financial Stability and Perspectives of the Baking Sector in the Function of Sustainable Growth and Development

    Naučni skup 14th International symposium on corporate governance: Sustainable development of small countries in conditions of the industrial revolution 4.0 -Chances and Limitations-
    Publikacija 14th International Symposium on Corporate Governance: Sustainable Development of Small Countries in Condition of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 - Chance and Limitations-
    Godina 2019
    Autori Boško Mekinjić i Dragana Vujičić-Stefanović
    Strana od 381
    Strana do 404

    Impact of External Audit Rotation on the Efficiency of Risk Management in the Banks Paying Special Attention to the Banking Sector of B&H

    Naučni skup Zbornik radova XIV Međunarodni kongres računovođa i revizora Crne Gore, Susret računovodstva, poreza i bankarstva: Korporativno izvještavanje - Quo Vadis
    Publikacija Proceedings: XIV International Congress of Accountants and Auditors of Montenegro, Meeting of Accounting, Tax and Banking: Corporate Reporting-Quo Vadis?
    Godina 2019
    Autori Boško Mekinjić i Dragana Vujičić Stefanović
    Strana od 208
    Strana do 227


    New Trends in Engineering Research

    Izdavač Springer
    ISBN ISBN 978-3-031-46432-4
    Godina 2023
    Autori Dragana Vujičić Stefanović, Boško Mekinjić i Dragan Milovanović
    Tip knjige naučna knjiga
    Broj strana 11
    Veb adresa https://